Friday, May 17, 2024

May. 17, 2024 Lunch - Miso Noodle and Dumpling Soup snack - vichyssoise Dinner - Neighborhood cocktail Party.

May. 17, 2024 Lunch - Miso Noodle and Dumpling Soup  snack - vichyssoise Dinner - Neighborhood cocktail Party. 

I woke up at 7:30 and worked in the garden with Suzette until 8:30 when I ate a bowl of granola, milk, yogurt, and blueberries.

Then at 9:00 Suzette and I made a red pepper dip for the dolmas and the pita chips. We blended 1/2 cup canned pimiento, 8 oz. of cream cheese, 4 oz. of yogurt, 4 oz. of labni,  10 oz. of feta crumbled, and two pickled lemon peels. Suzette put the finished dip into a bowl that I covered with Saran and put in the fridge.

When Suzette left I lay down to rest and read until noon when I made chicken noodle miso soup with 1 1/2 quarts of water, Knorr Dehydrated chicken stock, and a heaping T. of red miso, seaweed, 1 small zucchini sliced and quartered, two oz. of red onion diced, an egg, and 12 to 15 mini chicken and vegetable dumplings. I flavored the soup with fresh cilantro and hoisin sauce. 

It was delicious and filling. I then lay down and rested and read until 2:30 when Ahmadi came for an appointment.

When Ahmadi left at 3:30 I checked the market and my portfolio was down  .5% even though the Dow was up mainly due to a softening of Nvda.

At 4:15 I walked to the bank and back and then we got ready for the Neighborhood party that we were hosting tonight. I lined a large platter with dolmas and put the red pepper dip in the center and filled a large bowl with pita chips and a medium bowl with dried Moroccan black olives.

Suzette went to Lowe’s and purchased five bags of ice that we put into a long waist high planter with 2 apple ciders, two Negra Modelos, two Carlsberg green tall boys, two Embroidery Pinot noirs, a Kirkland Pinot Grigio,mand a Kirkland New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. 

At 6:30 our first guests arrived, Kathy and Joe who were avid bocce players . I gave them the bag with the balls and followed them out after grabbing an apple cider.

Soon about a dozen more folks arrived, including Lynn and the Cleveland gal from around the corner, Diane and Jim with a platter of delicious egg rolls with two types of dipping sauces, Gwynne Poe from down the block with Steve and Kathy, , Barry and Kylene, Susie McKnight and her husband,  a new couple to the neighborhood Katie and her fiancé Tom Fairbanks, Susan Palmer,  Yasmin, and about 4 or five others. Katie is a friend of Emily and Willy. 

The food was great also. Yasmin made a warm loaf of fresh baked bread stuffed with garlic and cheese that was lovely with the charcuterie brought by Katie and Tom.

The desserts by Lynn and others were delectable and there was more wine  in the planter/cooler after the party than before the party.

                            The chocolate brownies were deeelicious.

Lynn who had never played bocce partnered with Suzette and beat Tom and Katy, which thrilled her.

It was a fun time for all and everyone left by 9:15, except Diane, Jim, Katie, and Tom who chatted until 9:45. Diane and Jim are going to Cape Cod and they became excited when we told them we were going to Port Huron, which is where Jim was born and Detroit, where Diane was raised.

How funny that we should be visiting their home towns that Suzette picked randomly.

We put up the food and Suzette went to bed and I stayed up until 12:00 to watch Dallas Stars beat Colorado Avalanche to advance in the Stanley cup play-offs.

Then I blogged this entry.

I walked 4370 steps today, so continuing my recovery.

Bon Appetit

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