Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27, 2024 Breakfast - Granola, milk, yogurt, and Tropical Fruit Salad, Lunch - Chicken Salad Salad. Dinner - Pita Sandwiches

May 27, 2024 Breakfast - Granola, milk, yogurt, and Tropical Fruit Salad, Lunch - Chicken Salad Salad. Dinner - Pita Sandwiches

Today I tried to get back on a reasonable diet.

I started by eating Granola, milk, yogurt, and Tropical Fruit Salad at 9:00.

We then went on a walk in the Bosque of about 1000 steps there was no water fowl but we saw lots of turtles in the southern pond.

When we returned home Suzette went to work and I finished 2001:a Space Odyssey.

I then ate lunch at noon, a salad of greens and cherry tomatoes from our garden covered with the lovely chicken salad Suzette made yesterday and drizzled with Spanish olive oil. I also toasted a slice of baguette and covered it with slices of Jarlsberg cheese and melted the cheese in the microwave in 22 seconds and added about a dozen green cracked olives.

I then watched the last couple of points in the match at the French Open today, in which Rafa Nadal was eliminated in the first round that will probably be his last appearance at the French Open that he has dominated for so many years.

I then started my 2023 income tax preparation.

And worked until almost 4:00 when I drove to Costco but it was closed.

When I returned I picked the blooming Mr. Lincoln rose and put it in a vase beside my side of the bed, so I shall have sweet dreams tonight.

I then watched the news and at 6:00 Suzette picked some more lettuce from our garden and we started dinner. Tonight we decided to prepare lamb filled pita pocket sandwiches.  Suzette ate one-half and I ate two halves. I made a quick shallot, tomato, and cucumber tzatziki and we filled each pocket with sautéed lamb, tzatziki, labni, lettuce and slices of feta cheese and split a Carlsberg beer.

We then watched two episodes of the Antique roadshow. The first featured item with a connection to the exhibitor.  My favorite was one at the recent Santa Fe session where a man showed a small Calder sculpture that Calder had given him for his 15th birthday when his father who was a friend of Calder’s took the family to France and stayed in Calder’s compound for several days.  The small sculpture that combined a mobile with a stabile was appraised for $300,000. The second hour was 2015 Albuquerque and the high priced item was a portrait by Jean Patterson, student of the great Spanish painter, titled “the answer” that also appraised for $300,000.

We then watched Boston sweep Indians in the Eastern NBA finals and Dallas Stars beat the Edmonton Oilers 5 to 3 to take a 2 to 1 game lead in the second round of the Stanley Cup Finals.

At 9:30 Suzette went to sleep and I blogged and read a bit with a cup of chai.

I noticed tonight that there must be a psychological timing interval between a meal and dessert.

Tonight I waited about ten or fifteen minutes between my first and second pita sandwich and I was motivated to hungry for dessert.  The second sandwich must have mimicked the interval between dinner and dessert and satisfied the craving for dessert.

Bon Appetit

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