Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 8, 2024 breakfast - Granola, milk, blueberries and yogurt Lunch - Peanut Butter and honey sandwiches. Dinner - Pork Ribs, corn on the Cobb, and pinto beans

May 8, 2024 breakfast - Granola, milk, blueberries and yogurt Lunch - Peanut Butter and honey sandwiches. Dinner - Pork Ribs, corn on the Cobb, and pinto beans

I opened a new bag of granola that I really liked today with milk, yogurt, and blueberries.

I reviewed a lease amendment and then worked for three hours drafting a lease with a client until 1:30.

I then made two open faced peanut butter and honey sandwiches on slices of raisin bread and a latte macchiato for a vey unusual but satisfying lunch.

I lay down at 2:30 and napped until 3:45. At 4:00 I had a 1/2 hour conversation with an attorney who is the prospective tenant in the lease.

Then I walked to the bank and back and noticed a cactus and an Ocotillo were blooming. 

I checked the progress of the final documents for the Earn loan all day and they finally were sent to me in the evening.

I meditated from 5:30 to 6:00 and then checked my portfolio and discovered that I made a small gain, perhaps because the Dow was up 172 points. The NASDAQ was down 30 points, so it offered no support.

 May be down tomorrow because Airbnb was down sharply in after hours trading.

We had a lovely Dnner. Suzette heated the pork ribs we cooked in the crock pot until tender two days ago with the last of the BBQ sauce I made  and heated some of the beans Nancy made for Sunday’s Cinco de Mayo dinner and boiled the three ears of corn.

So we had an old fashion dinner of Pork ribs in BBQ sauce with beans and corn on the Cobb.  It looks like a hot mess but it tastes fantastic.

Suzette drank her scotch cocktail and I drank my gin and tonic with dinner.

After dinner we watched “A Brief History of the Future” on PBS’ Nova.

Then Suzette went to bed and I worked until 10:00 and then blogged and read.

Breakfast was really good and dinner was fabulous in the ever changing but constantly surprisingly great meals we cook.

Bon Appetit

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