Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 29, 2024 Breakfast - Sausage and Eggs and toast Lunch - Chicken Salad Salad. Dinner - Lemon Penne with PPI Calabacitas, Mushrooms, and Pimiento

May 29, 2024 Breakfast - Sausage and Eggs and toast  Lunch - Chicken Salad Salad. Dinner - Lemon Penne with PPI Calabacitas, Mushrooms, and Pimiento

I woke up at 7:15 and soon discovered it would be a down Day in the market. I decided to sauté sausage patties and fry eggs. I also toasted two slices of baguette and spread them with butter and cherry reserves.

After breakfast I was tired and rested and napped until 1:00. I started to make a chicken salad salad with fresh lettuce from our garden, a hard boiled egg Diced, and a liberal helping of the lovely chicken salad Suzette made. I drizzled Spanish olive oil over the salad. Suzette came home at 1:45 as I was preparing my salad and heated 1/2 of a pita and filled it with chicken salad and we ate lunch together.

Today my portfolio suffered a minimal loss of .007% as the upward buying energy drained out of the market.?

After lunch around 2:30 I went by 524 Romero to check on progress and saw the planter wall had been fixed.

I then drove to the Library and picked up the three items I had reserved!One of which was Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End.

I then drove to Bill Turner’s office and reviewed a closing file and talked with Bill for a while.

When I returned home at 5:00 I rested for a few minutes and drank a glass of water.

Then at 5:30 I meditated and we had four people today which is a good number for our small group of five regulars.

Then we rested until 7:00 when we began discussing dinner. I wanted pasta and we both wanted to use up as many PPI’s and other ingredients as possible because we would be traveling this weekend.

Suzette suggested boiling the last of the lovely lemon flavored penne Mellisa gave us and  so I filled a large pot with water.

Suzette then decided to use the remaning pimiento, the two hard boiled eggs, a couple of medium portobello mushrooms diced, and a container of the Calabacitas with cubes of smoked pork and slices of hot dogs.

This made a lovely combination of flavors and ingredients that we both was a wonderful expression of our cooking with PPI’s.

While I diced the pimiento and the mushrooms, Suzette opened a bottle of Aquino Chianti Riserva (Trader Joe’s $5.99) and poured a glass to taste test it.  It was okay, so we drank it with our meal.

Suzette did not create a sauce for the dish but there was lots of flavor from the buttery Calabacitas and meats and mushrooms.

We watched Dallas fall to Edmonton to tie their western NHL series at 2 games each and then went bed at 9:30.

Bon Appetit

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