Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024 Snack - Pain Au Chocolate Breakfast - Bagels with cream cheese and cheddar cheese Lunch - Miso Noodle Soup. Dinner - Chicken Mole with Rice and greens

May 21, 2024  Snack - Pain Au Chocolate  Breakfast - Bagels with cream cheese and cheddar cheese Lunch - Miso Noodle Soup. Dinner - Chicken Mole with Rice and greens 

I woke up at 6:00 and ate a pain Au chocolate with a cup of tea at 6:30

At 9:30 I started reviewing a contract until 11:15. At 10:30 I toasted two slices of an everything bagel and spread the slices with cream cheese and garnished them with red onion and slices of cheddar cheese and drank a cup of chai. 

At 11:30 I drove to the building at 524 Romero to take pictures of the stucco and then to Lowe’s where I bought milk, bananas, green onions, iced oatmeal cookies, and tonic water.

When I arrived at home at 12:30 I heated the PPI Miso noodle Soup from yesterday’s dinner and added diced Napa cabbage and some water.

 When it was simmering I poured it into a bowl and added hoisin and fresh cilantro leaves and drank water.

After lunch I talked to Billy and paid bills and taxes until 3:00, when I finally checked the market and discovered it was up a bit today. The NASDAQ was up 37 points and my portfolio was up a mere .0025%, but that was enough for the S&P, the NASDAQ, and my portfolio to set new all time highs.

And the biggest announcement of the quarter may be made tomorrow when Nvidia announces its quarterly earnings for the quarter. If it goes up my portfolio will probably hit a new all time high again and it may push high tech and other segments of the market higher.

Apparently Nvidia already has orders for the next year in hand and many of them are for it new Blackwell chip, so its earnings will likely continue to rise.

The fight seems to be over which companies can develop AI apps using  Nvidia chips.

At 3:30 I walked around the block and when I returned Suzette had arrived.

I went to the bedroom and watched Ari Melber while she watched her home decorating show.

At 5:15 I started cooking a cup of jasmine rice and Suzette went to the garden and picked a mixture of chard and kale. We to-stemmed the leaves and I set the timer for 30 minutes and added the cup of rice and turned down the heat to low after the water to which I had added about 1 tsp. of dehydrated chicken stock came to a boil. Suzette took over watching the rice pot and added the greens about 10 minutes before the rice was ready in order to steam the vegetables.

I then returned to bed to read 2001 Space Odyssey until 6:00 when I cut up the Roasted chicken Suzette brought home with a container of delicious mole sauce one of the cooks at the  bistro made. Dinner was simple. Suzette fetched a bottle of Trader Joe’s Grand Reserve 2022 Sauvignon Blanc and coated the cooked chicken with mole sauce and heated it in the microwave and we served ourselves chicken mole on rice and greens.

It was a delicious dinner.

After dinner we watched my favorite show, Finding Your Roots.

Suzette was not feeling well and went to bed shortly after 8:00.

I watched Boston come from behind to tie at the end of regulation and win in overtime game 1 of the NBA Eastern Finals and some of Lawrence O’Donnell.

I went to bed around 11:00 after blogging and reading.

Bon Appetit 

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