Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9, 2024 Breakfast - Granola with milk, yogurt and blueberries Lunch - East Ocean Dinner - Korean Beef Short Rib BBQ with Couscous, green beans, and Chinese Mixed Vegetables and Fried Tofu

May 9, 2024 Breakfast - Granola with milk, yogurt and blueberries Lunch - East Ocean Dinner - Korean Beef Short Rib BBQ with Couscous, green beans, and Chinese Mixed Vegetables and Fried Tofu

I watched the news from 4:00 to 5:45 and then slept until 7:45.

I ate granola, milk, blueberries and yogurt at 10:00 .

Then at 11:30 I met Robert Pidcock for lunch at East Ocean. We ordered our usual, Deep Fried Tofu with Stir Fried mixed Vegetables.

I had just eaten so I had only one helping and boxed the rest and took it home, except I stopped at El Super to shop for produce on the way home.

I bought carrots, Fuji apples, lemons, sweet limes, limes, leeks, potatoes, green beans, zucchini, parsley, green onions, sour cream, radishes, two ears of corn, corn chips, Roma tomatoes, a cucumber, a red onion, milk, and Napa cabbage.

I was tired when I returned home so I drank a glass of root beer and ate the rest of the Tostitos.

Then I unloaded the car and lay in bed and read The Crowded Grave by Martin Walker.

I called the Secretary of State at 4:15 and asked them to expedite Suzette’s Articles of Amendment, which they issued before 5:00 so she can meet her deadline for filing a response with the IRS.

I then lay down at 5:00 and read and napped until 7:00 when I went t the kitchen and helped Suzette prepare dinner.

Dinner was easy, reheating the PPI beef short ribs coated with the thick ginger flavored BBQ Sauce with PPI couscous and snapping green beans cooked together in one Pyrex baking dish in the microwave.

 I poured out the last glass of Ferme Julien for me and Palintir Sauvignon Blanc for Suzette.

After dinner we watched Midsomer Mystery and  ate bowls of ice cream for a nice ending for a lovely meal.

Bon Appetit


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