Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31, 2024 Breakfast - Bagel with Gravad Lax Lunch - Sandwiches on airplane. Dinner - Shangri La Restaurant, Detroit

May 31, 2024 Breakfast - Bagel with Gravad Lax Lunch - Sandwiches on airplane. Dinner - Shangri La Restaurant, Detroit

We got up early and got dressed and then I went into the kitchen and toasted three slices of bagel and spread cream cheese on them and garnished them with slices of red onion and Gravad lax. We each ate one slice and I wrapped the third slice.  

I the toasted two slices of baguette and buttered them and then garnished them with Salami on one and pepperoni on the other plus slices of red onion, Jarlsberg cheese and wrapped them in Saran and stuffed some lettuce and green onions into a sandwich bag also.

 I put these items in a larger gallon freezer bag with a milk chocolate bar.

 At 8:00 we drove to the airport and flew first to Denver and then to Detroit.

Although our Albuquerque departure was delayed by1 1/2 hours,  we arrived in Denver with thirty minutes to catch our connecting flight to Detroit that was then delayed 1/2 hour.

We ate the sandwiches in route to Detroit, Suzette drank a glass of red wine and I drank a Wild Turkey Bourbon and coke.

In Detroit by the time we exited the Budget rental lot and drove downtown to the Detroit  Institute of Art, it was 8;20 and the Art Institute closed at 9:00 so we drove the two additional blocks to the Inn on Ferry street where we had a reservation and checked in.

By the time we checked in it was almost 9:00. We looked at several dining options and when  Suzette said she found a Dim Sun restaurant, I said that is where we

                                        The eggplant stuffed with Fred fish

should go. The Shangri La Restaurant was only 1/2 mile from our Inn and we found a parking space across the street. Soon we were ordering dim sun. We ordered eggplant stuffed with fried fish, shrimp Kau wrapped in a gluttonous rice flour wrapper, steamed shrimp fun kor also n the gluten wrapper, steamed spare ribs in black bean sauce, and steamed BBQ buns. Suzette ordered a cold sake and I ordered hot tea. The tea was strong jasmine, so I ordered a pot of hot water to dilute the tea and a small bowl of chili oil and chop sticks.

          My plate with 1/2 of a steamed BBQ bun and a piece of steamed spare rib

                   The steamed shrimp kau and steamed Spare Ribs

We loved our dim sun dinner and left a good tip on top of the $48,00 ticket.

We have never eaten steamed spare ribs in black bean sauce or eggplant stuffed with fried fish and we both loved them and the sauce they were served in.

As we left the restaurant we noticed a number of awards Shangri La had earned as the best Chinese restaurant in Detroit.

By 10:30 we were back in our room and getting ready to sleep except I stayed up to blog this entry.

We will return early on Tuesday to visit the Art Institute.

Bon Appetit

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