Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024 Brunch - Croissants Dinner - Grilled Rib Steak, Potatoes, and salad at Center for Ageless Living

May 19, 2024 Brunch - Croissants Dinner - Grilled Rib Steak, Potatoes, and salad at Center for Ageless Living

I woke up at 7:30 and at 8:00 all PL teams started play on the final day of competition.

I watched the top two team’s matches Man City v West Ham and Arsenal v. Everton. Both Man city and Arsenal won their games which meant Man City won the PL for the fourth time.

Then we heated three croissants and drank cups of coffee after Suzette completely cleaned the Mielle coffee maker. I then made fruit salad with a pineapple, a papaya, three oranges, four mangos and juice of a lime and a sweet lime. We then ate a snack of fruit salad and yogurt.

We then rested and I watched some TV until 2:00 when we we dressed and left for the Center at 2:30.

When we arrived at the Center, Suzette organized the employee party and I oiled the cutting boar. At 5:00 I talked to Glen the boyfriend of the band’s lead singer until the food was ready with a glass of a lovely French rose.

I then joined Suzette as she broiled rib steaks. I then sliced and served slices to the 35 to 40 employees, volunteers, and guests until Suzette had cooked 20 thick steaks.

Most folks left by 7:15 and we left by 8:00.

We arrived home at 8:45 2 and 1/2 minutes from the Timberwolves victory over the Denver Nuggets.

We then watched an episode of the Gentleman with sips of cognac and then I watched Roadkill on PBS until 12:00 and then went to bed.

Bon Appetit

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