Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May. 1, 2024 Breakfast - peanut Butter and cherry preserve sandwich. Lunch - Viet Pho. Dinner - Hamburger on Couscous for me Foie agras and cheese sandwiches for Suzette

 May. 1, 2024 Breakfast - peanut Butter and cherry preserve sandwich. Lunch - Viet Pho.  Dinner - Hamburger on Couscous for me Foie agras and cheese sandwiches for Suzette

I worked this morning at my desk until around 7:45 and then watched the news and the market open. it was another disaster with Nvda  dropping another $30.00.

But on the other hand I made progress on getting the documentation for the loan to Earn completed,

Suzette was working at home, so we took care of one of her issues and then a5 noon decided to go to lunch.  We ended up at Viet Pho, Willy’s favorite Vietnamese restaurant located on Menaul near Carlisle.

I ordered my usual, a bowl with vegetables on the bottom, steamed rice vermicelli noodles in the middle and fried egg rolls and grilled marinated pork on top.  I asked for extra fish sauce and cilantro, basil, and mung beans sprouts.

Suzette ordered a Vietnamese crepe which is an omelette filled with mung bean sprouts and shrimp. We could not finish and had to take some of each home.

We then drove to a computer repair shop on Carlisle. where Suzette found out that it would cost more to fix my old I pad than it would cost to buy a newly refurbished one.

We drove to El Super and shopped for groceries. We bought a pineapple, mangos, a papaya, radishes, nopales, cucumbers, avocados, Italian Squash, fresh squeezed orange juice , cilantro, parsley, a red and several brown onions, smoked pork chops, beef short ribs. Lines, and lemons and then drove home around 2:45 and rested. I awakened at 4:00 and ate an orange and cookies.

Then at 6:00 I picked a basket full of fennel fronds and I mixed 1/2 cup of sugar with 2/3 cup of salt, 1 tsp. of black pepper and the zest of one orange. We cur two salmon filets to fit a 6 x 9 Pyrex baking dish and lay alternating layers of fennel fronds and the sugar band salt mixture to will made Gravad Lax after the salmon has been in contact with the curing medium for a day or two.

Then we hung the rest of the paintings n our bedroom and moved my record collection out of the living room.

At 8:00 we finally decided to eat dinner.  I heated the leftover hamburger and some couscous that I ate with mixed pickle instead for harrisa and catsup with a glass of Kirkland Chianti Classico Riserva and black olives.

Suzette got a little more creative and spread duck foie gras on toasted pieces of baguette and added slices of the newly acquired croc cheese.

We watched a Brief History of the future and the Forming of North America and went to bed after 10:00.

Bon Appetit

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