Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26, 2024 Snack - Pain au Chocolate brunch - Steak, Mushroom, Onion, and cheddar Omelet Snack - Pita Sandwiches. Dinner - Calabacitas with Pork and Rice

May 26, 2024 Snack - Pain au Chocolate brunch - Steak, Mushroom, Onion, and cheddar Omelet  Snack - Pita Sandwiches. Dinner - Calabacitas with Pork and Rice

I awakened at 7:45 and watched Fareed Zacharia at 8:00.

We then made Brunch. I diced the PPI grilled steak, about 4 oz. of red onion, three medium Portobello Mushrooms. Suzette sliced slices of Murray’s Croc Cheddar and broke three eggs into a bowl.

Suzette went to the garden and picked about a dozen cherry tomatoe. She sliced about 7 in half and added them to the sauté of the ingredients less the cheese. 

She then whisked the eggs and added the PPI chive ringlets leftover from last night and added the eggs to the sautéed ingredients. Finally, she lay slices of cheese on 1/2 of the omelet and flipped one side onto the other side and cooked the omelet until the cheese melted.

About 15 minutes before Suzette finished cooking the omelet I ate a pain au chocolates and made a cup,of chai.

When the omelet was almost ready, Suzette made a Bloody Mary and served the omelet with a pile of blue berries on a puddle of sweetened whipped cream cheese.

I also toasted a piece of bread that I buttered and ate with the omelet.

We ate outside under the gazebo in the breezy morning air and watched birds sitting on the wire along the alley side of our garden.

After breakfast we each clipped foliage overhanging the pond and I deadheaded several roses and picked three that I put in vases.

We then worked at our desks, but after an hour I started watching the Charles Schwab Invitational being played at Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth.  I was great seeing the club and the beautiful fairways and Trinity River.  I watched until 4:00 with a break at 2:00; when I heated two halves of a pita and filled them with tomato slices, labni, slices of cooked lamb chop, chopped onion, and lettuce. I ate about a dozen cracked green olives with the sandwiches.

Then I sliced three yellow squash, four zucchini, a small onion, and a Pasilla chili.  Suzette diced a smoked pork chop and three beef franks and added sautéed the meat with some onion and then added that with its olive oil to the vegetables that I added a skillet of water to and Suzette cooked the Calabacitas until 5:00.

I took a nap from 4:00 when the tournament ended until 5:00 during which time Suzette made a lovely chicken salad with the leftover breast from the roasted chicken she brought home last week plus Mayo, the lemon cooked minced shallots (mignonette sauce) I made for the oysters Friday evening, celery, boiled egg and diced apple.

Suzette went to the garden and picked two sprigs of tarragon that I minced and she added to the chicken salad when I returned to the kitchen.

She then heated PPI rice and served us bowls of rice covered with Calabacitas.

After an early dinner at 5:30 we watched Doc Martin and then Dallas win game 3 against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

I ate a bowl of chocolate cherry ice cream garnished with Suzette’s homemade maraschino cherries and whipped cream.

After that we watched the last two episodes of The Gentleman until 10:00 when Suzette went to bed and I stayed to drink a cup of chai and blog this entry and read 2001.

Another Sunday filled with cooking wonderful food and relaxing. I took fewer than 2000/steps today.

Bon Appetit

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