Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 Lunch - East ocean Diner - Sashimi

 May 3, 2024 Lunch -East Ocean. Dinner - Sashimi

I had a cup of hot chocolate at 6:00.

The futures were promising with the Dow around 250 and the NASDAQ at around 130.

Then at 6:30 when an employment number of 175,000 and unemployment at 3.9% were announced the market doubled in one or two seconds.

This was one of my best days ever the Dow closed at 450 and the NASDAQ at 315.  More importantly, the big tech names did particularly well, especially Apple and Nvidia. My portfolio increased by 2.85%.

In the morning I finished the nominee forms for India dematerialization and ate a toasted slice of Kommisarbrod spread with peanut butter and honey.

Then at 9:45 I drove to my podiatry appointment at 10:15.  When the appointment ended at 11:00 I called Mike and met him at East Ocean for lunch.

We both ordered dinner portions and an egg roll. Mike ordered Kung Pao Chicken, which I could not eat because of all the Szechuan pepper flakes in the dish.

I ordered Mu Shui Pork with six pancakes and green onions. The egg rolls were served with plum sauce and hot mustard, so we had real Chinese plum sauce for the Mu Shui Pork.

Mike ate one and I ate two and I then packed the remaining half in a to go box with more sauce and the remaining green onion spears.

Mike told me he had run 7 miles this morning. My guess is that he is getting in shape for his big trial at the end of the month in Milwaukee.

I then drove to Smith’s to shop. A lady showed me how to aim the camera at the digital price and clip the coupon.  I was in heaven. I bought yogurt for $2.19 and a slab of pork spare ribs for $1.99/lb. Plus salt, ground beef, and 12 oz. of center cut bacon for $3.99. Plus I found a wedge of Port Salud and a small round of blue cheese in the discount cabinet.

I arrived at home just before 2:00 in time to watch the market close.  As I said earlier, this was among the best days ever in the market.

At around 2:30 I started reviewing the final documents for the Earn loan and finally at 3:30 became frustrated that I was not receiving the final documents, so I called Aaron, who sent me the final Board Consent and I signed it.

I then lay down to watch Ari Melber but fell asleep and woke up a bit before 5:00 when Suzette came home.

Suzette was kind enough to walk around the block with me which got me to over 3000 steps for the day. I drank a gin and tonic and then ate the leftover salmon and tuna sashimi from yesterday’s lunch with radish, pickled daikon, and cucumber slices, made a cup of green tea, and heated a bowl of PPI sushi rice I made yesterday.

I then fell asleep in front of the TV while Suzette made the tres leches cake and we watched the new Jerry Seinfeld movie about pop tarts. 

When I awakened at 9:00 Suzette’s cake was finished.

I decided to cook the nopalitos for the nopales salad.  I sliced 1/2 onion,  and two cloves of garlic. The part of the cooking that took the longest was boiling 4 quarts of water to which I added about 1 tsp. of baking soda and 1 1/2 tsp. of salt. Then when the water came to a rolling boil I added the onion and garlic and when the water returned to a boil I added the cactus.

The recipe said to cook the nopales 10 minutes but I cooked them 20 minutes, because it took over five minutes for the water to return to a rolling boil.

After 20 minutes I removed the nopales tip-off a colander and rinsed them to remove the slime and then put them into a gallon freezer bag with two sheets of paper towels to dry them and put them in the fridge and went to bed at 10:15 to blog and read. I felt good that I had walked 3680 steps.

Bon Appetit

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