Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 15,  2024 Breakfast - Peanut Butter and Honey Sandwiches  Lunch - Basil Leaf Restaurant. Snack 1 - Kibbeh at Cafe Istanbul. Snack 2 - Pita pocket sandwich  Dinner - Potage 

Today was unique in several respects; my portfolio reached a new high, I ate three snacks between meals to try to feed my muscles, and I discovered a new Vietnamese restaurant.

I awakened at 7:30 and checked the market and the NASDAQ rose and then dipped and after an hour began to rise and finally ended up 220 points to set a new all time high.

I helped Suzette 

put a heavy butcher block table top into her car and then at 9:00 I toasted two slices of raisin bread and spread peanut butter and honey on them and ate them with a cup of chai.  I was still weak around 10:00, so I ate 1/2 of a Fuji apple and began feeling better.

I talked to Aaron around 10:30 and he and Monica agreed to meet for lunch at Basil Leaf at 1225 Eubank at noon. I left at 11:45 and was a little late which worked out perfectly because they had a 10 minute wait.  

The first thing I noticed was that the restaurant was packed. Then I noticed the menu had both Vietnamese and Thai dishes.

Monica ordered stir fried wheat noodles with grilled shrimp. Aaron ordered a sandwich on French baguette. And, I ordered my favorite boiled rice Vermicelli on herbs, bean sprouts, cucumber, and lettuce topped with 2 fried pork egg rolls and marinated, grilled pork.

I asked for and received a small plate with oriental basil, mung bean sprouts, and jalapeño slices. I asked for cilantro and was brought a small plate filled with minced cilantro.

My bowl of food was immense.  I could only eat a small portion and then had to box the rest to go.

 We finished lunch by 1:15 and I drove down Constitution to Wyoming and when I turned onto Wyoming I immediately saw Cafe Istanbul, so I stopped. I bought labni, 6 pitas, yogurt drink, feta cheese, No. 1 red Bulgar wheat for tabouli, Moroccan black dried olives, a can of dolmas, and a jar of taramasalata. I was getting weak again so I bought a kibbeh, which is flavored ground beef rolled inside a grain crust that is baked. The kitchen heated one for me and I ate it in the parking lot. I love the concept of Kibbeh, but the ground beef in the one I ate had lots of grizzle.

I then drove to my appointment where we signed papers for a lease.

I arrived home around 3:00 and felt the need to eat, so I toasted 1/2 of a pita and filled it with labni, tabouli, and feta cheese slices. It was delicious.

The I went to Bill Turner’s office to meet with new clients until 5:00.

When I returned home at 5:15 I checked the mail and then meditated from 5:3 to 6:00.

Then I started making Potage for dinner. I sliced 5 leeks and about six or seven russet potatoes and covered them with water in a large pot and added chicken stock and a T. of salt and cooked the ingredients at moderate heat for 50 minutes.

Suzette then emulsified the soup into a creamy consistency.

We ladled some into two bowls and added cream and ate a great dinner of warm Potage with a glass of white wine.

We watched episode one of the Gentleman while the ingredients were cooking and watched Episode 2 after dinner and then Suzette went obediently at 10:00 and I stayed up to blog.

It was a really interesting day of food.

Bon Appetit

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