Thursday, June 20, 2024

June. 20, 2024 Breakfast - Granola with milk, yogurt, and brandied strawberries Lunch - Tabouli Salad with melted sandwiches Dinner - Roast Duck on Black Eyed Peas and kale

June. 20, 2024 Breakfast - Granola with milk, yogurt, and brandied strawberries  Lunch - Tabouli Salad with melted sandwiches Dinner - Roast Duck on Black Eyed Peas and kale

I awakened around 7:25 and watched the market open.  This was one of those awful days when NVDA went from plus $5.00 to minus $4.80 and Apple went down $4.61, so my portfolio shrank by over 1.8%.

Easy come easy go.

I ate granola with milk, yogurt, and brandied strawberries for breakfast.

At noon I went to the garden and picked a basket full of lettuce and made a salad by covering a bowl of lettuce with Tabouli and drizzled it with Spanish olive oil.

I watched a great match between Spain and Italy and then typed the Book Club notes from the last meeting and sent them out.  Then at 6:00 I watched Argentina play Canada in the Copa America competition. Argentina won 2 to 0.

Suzette came home around 5:30 and at 6:30 made a simple but delicious dinner by heating a prepared duck half in the oven and re-heating PPI Black Eyed Peas with kale.

I went to the basement and found a 2016 Roudier St. Emillion that I chilled for about an hour.  

We loved dinner.

At 8:00 we watched an episode of Midsomer Mystery until 9:30/when Suzette went to sleep.

I stayed up to pick Willy up at the airport. He is returning frm his trip to South America.

Bon Appetit

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