Friday, June 14, 2024

June 13, 2024 Breakfast - PPI Miso Chicken Noodle Soup Lunch - East Ocean Dinner - Grilled T-bone Steak and Asparagus with PPI roasted creamer Potatoes and Sautéed Mushrooms

June 13, 2024 Breakfast - PPI Miso Chicken Noodle Soup Lunch - East Ocean  Dinner - Grilled T-bone Steak and Asparagus with PPI roasted creamer Potatoes and Sautéed Mushrooms

I heated the pot of Miso Chicken Noodle Soup and ate about a cup of it for breakfast.

The market took off again today and racked up another record with NVDA up $4.31 and Apple up $1.14  which raised my portfolio value another 1.1% even though the Dow was down 65 points and many of my other stocks were down.

After breakfast I drafted a lease by noon and then met Mike at East Ocean for lunch at 12:30.

Mike ordered his favorite, Kung Pao Chicken and I ordered a dinner portion of Scallops in Lobster Sauce. I asked for substitution of scallops for Shrimp. We also ordered a order of two egg rolls and hot tea.

I loved the dish with scallops. It is what I think of traditional Chinese Cuisine.  The Lobster Sauce is a rather loose liquid combination of egg, thickened chicken stock, sliced pork, and green onions. To stabilize the dish in order to make it easily picked up by chop sticks, one must add enough rice to coagulate the liquid by binding the sauce to the rice, a dish designed to be eaten with rice.

After lunch I drove to Smith’s where I bought yogurt, milk, cream cheese, bagels, a red bell pepper, a wedge of smoked Gouda with cumin and a cheese flavored with rosemary, a container of duck and pork liver mousse, pate and six T-bone steaks for $4.79/Lb.  When Mike arrived he bought a two pack of T-bones and a bell pepper.

It was 102 degrees when I left Smith’s so I drove home and put my groceries away and then rest3 for 40 minutes ro cool down. Jody came and fetched the Prius to install a fan to cool the battery and I then drove to Bill Turner’s office and reviewed a file with Matt and signed the legal opinion.

I drove home at 4:00 and watched the news until Jody came and after a discussion, I authorized him to install new shocks on the Prius.

Suzette worked late so at 5:00 I read and dozed in bed. I am re-reading The Egyptian. It is slow going but a rewarding read.

Suzette arrived around 6:45. We soon decided to grill one of the T-bones with asparagus and sautéd mushrooms and shallots as a sauce.

I fetched a two pack and froze one of the two t-bones. Suzette dusted the steak with salt and timur. I sliced five Portobello mushrooms and a shallot and went to the garden and picked a handful of thyme. I stripped the leaves from the thyme’s stems and sautéed the mushroom medley while Suzette grilled the steak and the asparagus.

I went to the basement and picked a 2011 Wellington Zinfandel. When I tried to open it the cork broke in half so I dug out enough cork to decant the wine, which turned out to be a good idea because there was a fair amount of sediment in the bottom of the bottle.

We liked the wine a lot. It had the earthiness of Zinfandel but the fruit came through that I associate with new California Zinfandels. The wine was wonderful.

The steak was wonderful also, especially with grilled asparagus and covered with a sautéed mushroom, shallot, sherry sauce. 

I remember that my mother loved sirloin because it has a certain graininess and chewiness that she loved. We ate a lot of sirloin steak when I was young.  

After dinner we watched Midsomer Mystery and drank cognacs and ate several dark chocolate truffles.  

We went to bed at 10:00.

Bon Appetit

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