Friday, June 7, 2024

June 7, 2024 Lunch - Vietnam 2000 Dinner - Grilled Lamb Chop and Tabouli Salad

June 7, 2024 Lunch - Vietnam 2000   Dinner - Grilled Lamb Chop and Tabouli Salad

I slept unevenly and finally woke up at 7:25, just in time to see the market open in the red. Then I dressed and at 8:00 watched the President give a speech at Pointe du Hoc at the Normandy beaches.

The speech was not as good as yesterday’s at the U.S. cemetery about 7 miles north.

After the speech I ate a bowl of granola with blueberries and milk, and yogurt and worked at my desk until 11:30 when I called Peter to see if he was available for lunch.

He was available so I picked him up and drove us to Vietnam 2000.

Peter ordered chicken and rice and I ordered No. 30 with pork eggs and grilled pork on a bed of vermicelli rice noodles on top of bean sprouts and sliced lettuce and cucumber. 

I boxed the last 1/3 of my No. 30 and Peter boxed the remaining fried rice from his dish.

After I dropped Peter at his home, I returned books to the library and got cash at the bank.

I was a few minutes after 2:00 when I returned home and i was hot so I made a gin and tonic with lots of ice to cool down and then checked the market. 

The market was gyrating up and down all day. This turned out to be one of those rare days when all the indexes closed in the red but my portfolio gained a little. It gained a paltry .003%, but I felt great to have a gain on a down day.

I lay down at 2:45 and slept until 4:15 then watched some news and read.

At 6:30 we were ready to cook dinner. Suzette grilled two lamb chops and put a pile salad from our garden on each plate and added a grilled lamb chop and I added 6 cracked green olives to each plate.

Suzette opened a bottle of Kirkland Rioja and we sipped it with dinner.

After dinner we watched a Netflix movie with Jennifer Lawrence and went to bed at 10:00.

Bon Appetit

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