Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 2024 Breakfast - Whitefish, mushrooms, sweet potato, and sugar snap pea omelet Lunch - Whitefish Bagel. Dinner - Roast Duck, steamed Michigan Asparagus and Potatoes au gratin casserole garnished with foie gras mousse

June 4, 2024 Breakfast - Whitefish, mushrooms, sweet potato, and sugar snap pea omelet Lunch - Whitefish Bagel. Dinner - Roast Duck, steamed Michigan Asparagus and Potatoes au gratin casserole garnished with foie gras mousse

Today was a fun day of travel from Michigan to Albuquerque and that can not be said very often.

We backed last night so this morning we awakened at 6:30. We showered and dressed and Suzette made a Whitefish, mushrooms, sweet potato, and sugar snap pea omelet and we made 4 whitefish bagel sandwiches for the airplane with avocado and gourmet lettuce on cream cheese smeared bagels garnished with whitefish.

The 2 lb. Smoked whitefish we have been eating on this trip is the most tender, most delicious whitefish I have ever tasted.  I am so glad we bought it at the eastern a market on Saturday.

We then cleaned up and left the cottage between Lexington and Port Sanilac at 8:05 and arrived at the Detroit Institute of Art at 9:30.

The DIA was the high point of the trip. It had many important works of art.

Here are several.

           This one of three Seurat paintings that he painted a border and the frame

                                                    A famous Gaugin self-portrait

                                                   Paul Cezanne’s portrait of his wife.

                                        A Gandahar carving a Boddisatva

I did not see Lenin in the River murals, so perhaps this was the sanitized version.  Our favorite was a landscape by George Seurat although I loved the 1923 Seated Woman from the neo-classical period of Picasso.

We covered the galleries we wanted to see by 10:50.

We then drove to the airport and caught our 1:30 flight to Denver. We ordered rose wine for lunch and each ate one of our whitefish bagel open faced sandwiches.

We arrived in Denver at 2:45 and caught our connecting flight tonAlbuquerque at 3:45 and arrived in Albuquerque a bit before 5:00.

When we arrived home we rested and drank a cocktail and caught up on the news and I checked my portfolio and discovered that it had gone up 2.67% in the last three days to a new all time high.

We had decided upon a menu and the last Michigan asparagus, the PPI potatoes au gratin and asparagus casserole garnished with foie gras mousse and roasted precooked duck.

I opened a bottle of H & H 2019;Chateauneuf du Pape, but found it to be rather harsh.

This was a good meal to end a good trip.

Bon Appetit

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