Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 29, 2024 Lunch - Salad Dinner - Lamb and Couscous Stir Fry

June 29, 2024 Lunch - Salad  Dinner - Lamb and Couscous Stir Fry

I toasted three slices of Dutch Raisin spice bread and buttered them and press them with Portuguese plum preserves and drank a latte macchiato, after which we picked the rest of the apricots from our tree.

We then drove to the farmers’ market.

It was a beautiful sunny and cool day, so fun walking around the outer edge.  We bought a nice head of butter lettuce, two daikon radishes, a bunch of leeks, a bunch of beets, two croissants, and a sour dough boule from Le Quiche Bakery and an assortment of mushrooms.

                                                                  The Mushroom Man

When we went home I started watching soccer and Suzette diced and cooked the beets and hard boiled eggs and pickled the eggs with some of the beet juice. 

For lunch I tore, rinsed and spun about half of the head of bibb lettuce.

I added two sliced green onion ringlets and cut up the four or five stale hot dog buns that Suzette tossed with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roasted until brown in the oven.

I made a dressing with juice of an orange, some Spanish olive oil and some Spanish artisanal wine vinegar to which Suzette added some mayonnaise.

The salad with a sliced egg, croutons k diced beets, and green onion was a perfect lunch on a bed of fresh butter lettuce.

It rained and it stopped we walked 2/3 of the distance to the Country Club and back. I took one sugar pill to make sure I Had enough energy..

Later we made a simple dinner. Suzette sautéed chunks of lamb with the leftover couscous and added some chopped mushrooms and chard from the garden. We drank a glass of Kirkland Rioja with dinner.

Suzette wants to make larger meals for lunch and smaller meals for dinner.

Today was a good example, except both lunch and dinner were small meals.  I am feeling better because of the smaller meals.

Wonderful fresh ingredients will be the focus of more of our summer dishes.

Bon Appetit

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