Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024 Breakfast - Whitefish Bagels and Pao au Chocolat Lunch - Vietnam 2000 Dinner - Broiled Norwegian Mackeral Tapa with salad

A large part of our day was spent grocery shopping.

We slept until after 8:00. Then Suzette exercised in the hot tub and I talked to a client.

At 11:00 we drove to El Super and did some shopping, eggs, milk, blue corn tortillas, lemons, limes, ears of corn, Roma Tomatoes, green onion, and cucumbers for tabouli, yellow onions, a red onion, a mango, garlic, cookies, and radishes. I bought a Mexican coke to keep the muscles working

We took the groceries home and then drove to Vietnam 2000 to eat lunch. Today we split a No. 50, which is patted rice vermicelli patties with fried pork egg rolls and grilled marinated pork and lettuce so you can make lettuce wraps.  We loved the dish and it was just enough for us to share for a light lunch.

After lunch we drove to Talin to shop for shishito peppers for the Bistro. We also bought tofu, mushrooms for sukiyaki, a fresh 1 lb. Norwegian mackerel for dinner, a 25 lb. Bag of 2024 crop Jasmine rice, Earl Grey tea, Chinese Jasmine and Green teaand two bags of bao buns.

We then drove home and when I checked my portfolio, I discovered that my portfolio had another monster day with a gain of 2.26%, with help from a $60.00 gain in NVDA, an $18.00 per share gain in Meta, and a $1.52 gain in Apple.

NVDA continues to amaze me. I am $6.000 away from NVDA increasing by 1000% since I bought it..

I worked at my desk until 4:50 when I meditated for 1/2 hour.

Then I joined Suzette resting on the bed until 6:15 when I drove to the Annual meeting of Huning Castle Neighborhood Association From 6:30 until 8:00.

When I returned home at 8:15 I watched OU beat Texas 7 to 3 in game one of the  NCAA Women’s softball finals.

After the baseball game we ate dinner. Suzette broiled each mackerel filet and toasted two thick slices of the rye bread we bought in Detroit drizzled with Spanish olive oil and made a salad with some of the kale and chard and cherry tomatoes from our garden mixed with sugar snap peas and avocado we bought in Detroit.

Suzette fetched a Palantir French Sauvignon Blanc from the garage and we drank a glass of it with dinner. I loved dinner because it combined carbs with fresh fish protein, the two main elements of my preferred diet.

Suzette went to bed after dinner at 9:30 and I stayed up until 11:00 to blog.

Bon Appetit

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