Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18, 2024 Lunch - Sashimi with Sushi Rice. Dinner - Grilled Octopus with Sushi Rice and Blueberry and Apricot cobbler

June 18, 2024 Lunch - Sashimi with Sushi Rice. Dinner - Grilled Octopus with Sushi Rice and Blueberry and Apricot cobbler

I awakened at 7:20 again and watched the market open. 

I then ate a bowl of granola with blueberries and yogurt and milk and strawberries.  I sliced a pint of strawberries and added brandy and some of Suzette’s maraschino cherry liquid to make brandied fruit.

After breakfast I picked a handful of kale, 1/2 of a horseradish leave, and a sprig of lovage.

At 12:30 I de-stemmed the kale leaves and chopped them and the horseradish leave and the lovage. I heated 2 cups of Suzette’s homemade chicken stock and added the greens and 1 cup of rice when the broth began to boil. I covered the pot and cooked it at a simmer for 30 minutes.

While the rice cooked I sliced an Aji tuna steak, three sea scallops, 1/2 avocado and added several slices of pickled daikon to a plate. I lay several strips of pickled ginger in a dipping bowl and in another dipping bowl mixed soy with wasabi.

I made a cup of green tea and when the rice was ready spooned some into a rice bowl and ate a great lunch while I watched a very competitive match between Portugal and Czechoslovakia that Portugal won with a goal in the last two minutes of added time.

I then checked the portfolio’s performance today and was pleasantly surprised that NVDA had risen over 3% to $135.58, which made it the stock with the highest cap rate of any US stock, passing both Microsoft and Apple’s total values today and increasing my portfolio value by 1.1%. The market is being very kind to me these days.

I read and napped from 3:30 to 5:00 when Rahim called with a question.

Suzette arrived soon after 5:00 and at 6:30 we started dinner.  We made a poke sauce with soy, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and the left over wasabi and soy mixture from lunch and marinated the octopus for 30 minutes.

While the octopus marinated we made a blueberry and apricot cobbler. I pitted the rest of the apricots and Suzette mixed them with blueberries and added a half cup of sugar to the fruit and made a batter by combining 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of sugar and 3 tsp. of Baking Powder, and 2/3 cup of milk and 1/2 tsp. of salt and stirred to make a batter. Then she poured the batter on top of the melted butter and (Do not Stir) added the fruit on top of the batter and place in a 375 degree oven for 35 minutes.

When the octopus was grilled, I sliced two of the three tentacles and piled the slices on top of rice Suzette had re-heated in the microwave.

We drank cold sake with the octopus meal. The octopus was very flavorful with the poke marinade and rather tender. I am not sure I will buy it again because it cost $18.99 at Costco.

We ate bowls of cobbler with vanilla ice cream after dinner and watched Finding Your Roots.

We went to bed by 9:00.

Bon Appetit 

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