Wednesday, June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024 Breakfast - granola, milk, blueberries, and yogurt, Lunch - Leftover Vietnamese Noodles, Dinner - Stir fried Rice with duck, kale, and shallot.

June 26, 2024 Breakfast - granola, milk, blueberries, and yogurt, Lunch - Leftover Vietnamese Noodles, Dinner - Stir fried Rice with duck, kale, and  shallot.

The big item today was my visit to the doctor. After that i went to Costco for some power shopping. I bought four bottles of red wine, 24 eggs, salted mixed nuts, Ghirardelli chocolates, baguettes, a wheel of brie, Boursin, Lamb chops, duck halves, and potato chips.

I worked with Dennis when I returned home at noon for an hour. Then I heated the leftover Vietnamese noodles from our lunch at Vietnam 2000 on Monday. Unfortunately, the noodles had turned to coagulated mush from the action of the fish sauce. They still held their nutritional value, they just no longer resembled noodles.  I ate them anyway and made an iced Vietnamese coffee that lasted well beyond the meal and gave me pleasure as I watched the evening Euro Cup games at 1:00. Amazingly, there were two upsets, Georgia beat Portugal and Turkey beat Czechnia.

At 2:30 I checked the market and found that the early losses in NVDA had been erased by the close which yielded a gain in my portfolio of .077%.

I then lay down and rested until 5:00.

At 6:00 we decided I would cook dinner and use the PPI duck and rice from last night’s meal and some kale from the garden. I decided to make stir fried rice in my wok. I minced 1/2 shallot and diced five or six stalks of asparagus and diced the duck and kale into bite sized pieces.

I used the oil that the asparagus were roasted in last night and stir fried the shallot and asparagus, then the rice and duck and I finally added the kale with a few T. of the apricot glacé liquid to create a sauce.

The result was delicious. We drank the last 1/3 bottle of 2019 Hermann Weimar Magdalena Vineyard Riesling that had a slight botrytis flavor that was very lovely with the duck.

After dinner we made a jiffy cobbler with the already prepared sugared apricots and blueberries for the book club meeting dessert tomorrow.

By 9:30 we were on our way to bed.  We have been sleeping longer and more soundly than ever.

I walked 3500 steps today.

Bon Appetit

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