Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 10, 2024 Breakfast - Bagel and Lax. Lunch - Miso Noodle soup with wontons. Dinner - Chicken and tabouli stuffed Pita Sandwiches

June 10, 2024 Breakfast - Bagel and Lax. Lunch - Miso Noodle soup with wontons. Dinner - Chicken and tabouli stuffed Pita Sandwiches

I woke up at 6:00 and watched Morning Joe and Squawk on the Street until 8:00. Suzette tried to buy some NVDA shares and put the order in too late as the stock rose above her limit order price before she placed her order.

I watched Netherlands beat Iceland and then paid Henry for the rest of the stuccoing of the building. 

At 1:30 I began cooking a bundle of flat wheat and a bundle of rice vermicelli noodles n 1 1/2 quart of water flavored with dehydrated chicken stock. I added 1 oz. of  onion, three chicken sandwich slices diced, and six sleeves of Napa cabbage sliced. And a small handful of seafood mushrooms. I let these ingredients cook for a while and then added a heaping T. of red miso and some chopped kale, an egg, and seven mini-dumplings.

I then sliced a green onion into ringlets to garnish the bowl of noodles and ate a bowl at 3:30. I then checked my portfolio and was up only a little again today .003% because Apple was down $3.77.

When Suzette came home at 4:00 I was eating a bowl of. noodles. 

 Then at 5:00 I walked around the block. I walked a total of 2,500 steps today.

Then 7:30 we decided to make pita sandwiches with some of the PPI roasted chicken and tabouli.  Suzette chopped some lettuce from the garden and fetched the Labni and heated a handful of chicken slices in the microwave.  I cut a pita in half and heated each half in the toaster for a minute to make them more pliable. I then spread Labni inside each and each of us spooned tabouli and stuffed lettuce and chicken into our half.

Suzette fetched a bottle of white 2021 Belleruche Cotes Du Rhone produced by M. Chapoutier on Tain Hill in Tain-Hermitage, France.  It was a very nice bottle of wine. I will look for it in the future. Here is its website address https://www.chapoutier.com/en/.  I think I bought this bottle at Total Wine for around $15.00.

During and after dinner we switched the TV back and forth from the Antiques Roadshow to the 2nd game of the Stanley Cup finals that the Florida Panthers won, giving them a 2 to 0 advantage over the Edmonton Oilers.

We went to bed after the game at 9:30.

I am beginning to feel the benefit of moderate diet and exercise as my posture and breathing improve. I will see if If I continue to feel better as I  extend my walks. 

Bon Appetit 

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