Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 22, 2024 Snack, Brunch, Cheese board, Dinner - Octopus and Sushi Rice

June 22, 2024 Snack, Brunch, Cheese board, Dinner - Octopus and Sushi Rice

I am trying to work our the food timing to avoid loosing strength in the mornings as I did yesterday when I had difficulty walking home from the four blocks from the Estate Sale.

Today I ate a pain au chocolate with a latte macchiato when I awakened at 7:00.

Then when Willy came over around 11:00 we fried bacon and Suzette made sliced potato  Cottage fries with chopped onion, and we toasted baguette slices that Willy and I buttered and spread Cherry Preserves on, and Suzette fried eggs.

We watched Belgium win its EUFA match and then Willy and I walked around the block.  I walked a total of 3200 steps today.

At 1:30 I prepared a cheese board with a wheel of Brie, the wedge of rosemary cheese, the smoked Gouda with cumin wedge, a wedge of Manchego and a wedge of Jarlsberg cheese, a log of goat cheese, the slab of foie gras, butter, and a pile of Gravad lax.

I chilled the bottle of Noble 667 Pinot Noir I had bought at Costco.

Aaron, Monica, Alex, and Monica’s two children arrived around 2:00 with a baguette from Whole Foods that I sliced into thin slices and put on the cheese boards and served glasses of the Pinot and we celebrated Monica’s getting her Green Card and the visit of her children to Albuquerque.

I helped Monica obtain her green card because I was one of her sponsors.

After they left around 3:30 Suzette watched HGTV and I ate two cookies from the Friday night cocktail party and lay in bed and watched Venezuela play Ecuador in  Copa America.

I have worn compression socks for three or four days and I am feeling better and beginning to have more strength when I walk.

At 5:30 or 6:00 I ate the last slice of bread with two slices of salami as I was wrapping and storing the uneaten cheeses.

At 8:00 we watched Father Brown and I sliced the PPI octopus tentacle and heated it with about a cup of PPI sushi rice for my dinner with a cup of green tea.

At 9:00 we switched back and forth at commercials, from watching Mexico beat Jamaica in the Copa America competition to Texas A & M beat Tennessee 9 to 5 in the first game of what I think is the three game final of the Men’s College World Series. The colleges both have good pitching and strong batting, so it is fun to watch. Suzette went to bed and after the game ended I watched a few minutes of Saturday Night Live and read and went to bed at 11:30.

I shall eat an early morning snack or breakfast on days I need early energy.

Bon Appetit

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