Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 2024 breakfast - Hot Chocolate and a pain au Chocolate. Brunch - PPI Scallop in Lobster Sauce Dinner - PPI Pasta with steak and chicken sauce and kale

June 16, 2024 breakfast - Hot Chocolate and a pain au Chocolate. Brunch - PPI Scallop in Lobster Sauce  Dinner - PPI Pasta with steak and chicken sauce and kale

I must admit it was a strange day of meals, until one realizes that we spent the day processing and eating apricots.

I awakened at 6:30 after only 5 hours of sleep and dozed off during much of the day. I watched the news programs and EUFA soccer, Denmark v. Slovenia and England v. Serbia.

The most fun was talking to Luke and Willy. Luke is gardening at Fire Island this week and Willy is in Costa Rica learning to surf on his way home from two months in Buenos Aires.

They both have interesting lives and I love that.

Suzette and I processed apricots today. I refilled the dehydrated with pitted halves and Suzette experimented with glacé apricots. We finally decided to bottle peeled apricots in the glacé syrup.

I drank a cup of chai at 7:00 and a cup of hot chocolate with rum before 11:00.

Then at 11:00 I heated the leftover scallops in Lobster sauce from lunch at East Ocean with Mike on Thursday. It was just as delicious today and enough for zsuzette to have some for lunch also.

Then at 3:00 I drank another cup of hot chocolate with rum and a pain au chocolate.

We then drove to Total Wine and bought Scotch, vodka, bourbon, and three wines.

I when we returned home I rested and read in the afternoon after filling the dehydrator and helping Suzette skin apricots to be glacéd.

Later at 7:00 Suzette re-heated some of the orecchiette Pasta and chicken and mushroom sauce and added some PPI grilled T-bone steak and more enoki mushrooms to the sauce when she re-heated it.  I opened the bottle of La Enfermada Spanish Tempranillo we bought for $10.00 less 15% today at Total Wine and sipped some after dinner as well with two squares of milk chocolate.

So it was a rather chocolatey day for me because Suzette opened the new gallon of milk and we still had some milk left from the last gallon that I converted into hot chocolate.

Bon Appetit

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