Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24, 2024 Breakfast - Granola, blueberries, yogurt, and milk. Lunch - Vietnam 2000, Dinner - Sautéed Salmon filet, Couscous with shallot, tomatoes, and kale and Chard

 June 24, 2024 Breakfast - Granola, blueberries, yogurt, and milk. Lunch - Vietnam 2000, Dinner - Sautéed Salmon filet, Couscous with shallot, tomatoes, and kale and Chard

This was a day that was so terrible I did not look at the market.

I walked to the bank at 9:30. Then I worked on a lease From 10:00 to 11:00, when Aaron came.

We talked for a while and then drove to Vietnam 2000 for lunch. Aaron ordered his favorite, No. 104, deep fried noodles with chicken and I ordered my usual, No. 30, vermicelli noodles bowl with marinated and grilled pork and pork egg rolls. The waitress may an error and brought us an order of piping hot fried egg rolls that we ate with gusto as an appetizer about ten minutes before our main course was served.

Aaron thought his nest of deep fried noodles on a bed of brown sauce filled with sautéed chicken and vegetables was better than ever.

My dish was amazingly large. I asked and was served a small plate filled with basil and cilantro to add additional herbal flavor to my bowl. I could not eat even 1/2. So I boxed the leftovers and took them home.

On the way home I stopped at Sprouts at San Marco and Lomas where I bought a lovely 1.1 lb. Filet of fresh Atlantic Salmon and a gallon of milk.

When I returned home I watched Croatia play Italy. Croatia led for more than 1/2 the match but Italy scored in the last few seconds of over time to tie 1 to 1 that meant Italy advanced to the round of 16, and Croatia went home instead of Croatia advancing and Italy unlikely to advance.

I worked on another lease from 2:00 to 5:30 when Suzette arrived.

At 6:00 we started cooking. I cut the filet into three pieces and Suzette fetched thyme from the garden and we picked tomatoes. I minced a medium shallot and diced some of the tomatoes and sautéed the shallots and tomatoes in butter in a sauce pan and the added 1 cup of couscous and sautéed bit with the shallot and tomatoes.  Then I added 1 2/3 cups of  boiling water and three cups of kale and chard, suzette had picked in our garden and de-stemmed and chopped into bite sized pieces. I then covered the pan and cooked the couscous and veggies for a couple of minutes at high heat and then reduced the heat and let the couscous steam. 

While I was cooking couscous Suzette made tartare sauce with Mayo, lemon juice, and horseradish. She then dusted the salmon with fresh thyme and infused the olive oil in a skillet with sprigs of thyme and cooked the salmon filets to just beyond seared the way I like my salmon cooked because it retains more of its natural juices. Suzette plated plates with a pile of couscous and then lay a sautéed filet on each pile.

Willy joined us for dinner and was kind enough to pick up a pile of cuttings from the rose bush and vine on the back patio before dinner.

We watched Brazil and Costa Rica play to a 0 to 0 tie and some of game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals, that the Florida Panthers and won the Stanley Cup.

Then we watched The Daily Show and the first episode of Hacks and went to bed at 10:00.

I blogged and read and Suzette slept.

Bon Appetit

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