Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3, 2024 Lunch - Bagels shmeared with cream cheese and garnished with onion, white fish, avocado and salad greens. Dinner - Pappardelle Pasta in a tomato, garlic cream sauce with mushrooms, parsley, onion, sugar snap peas, and red snapper topped with burrata.

June 3, 2024 Lunch - Bagels shmeared with cream cheese and garnished with onion, white fish, avocado and salad greens.  Dinner - Pappardelle Pasta in a tomato, garlic cream sauce with mushrooms, parsley, onion, sugar snap peas, and red snapper topped with burrata.

Today we rested until 10:30. Suzette made coffee and I heated milk to almost a foam and added coffee and ate three oatmeal cookies with it for breakfast.

Then we sliced bagels into three slices toasted two each and shmeared each slice with cream cheese and garnished each with onion, white fish, avocado and salad greens and at 11:30 drove south to Lexington State Park where we walked down to the beach, along the beach and back up to a picnic table near the top of the cliff with a great view of Lake Huron and ate our bagel slices and drank 2022 Reserve Mont Redon Côtes du Rhône 

Then we drove into Lexington and bought gas and went to Jess’ Grocery store where we bought a chocolate cake and a bag of marshmallows.

Then we drove down to a public park with access to a jetty around a state boat harbor that protected it like a refuge from storms. I walked half way to the end and Suzette walked all the way. I still walked 4000 steps today.

We then drove back to the cottage and. Checked the market close. Nvda was not up $43., AppL was up over a $1.00, and Meta was up over $10.00, so another very good day for the portfolio.

When Suzette said,  “Let’s go get some wood,”

I replied, “Sure.”

We drove north almost to Sanilac before we found a bundle of wood on the side of the road for sale.

We then returned to the cottage and drank vermouths near the deck with a view of Lake Huron and Suzette made us a tapa of a slice of rye bread spread with mashed avocado.

Then at 6:30 we started cooking. Tonight’s meal was Pappardelle pasta topped with tomato, garlic cream sauce with sautéed mushrooms, parsley, onion, sugar snap peas, and red snapper topped with burrata.0

It was delicious with a few sips of Buglioni Il Desparato.

After dinner we made a fire in the fire pit and roasted marshmallows and ate cake with them and drank the last glassed of Reserve Mont Redon and talked to our neighbors from Hamilton, Canada.o

We went to bed at 11:00.

Bon Appetit

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