Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21, 2024 Breakfast - Gravad Lax with bagel Lunch - Viet Pho Rice Noodle Bowls and Spring rolls, Dinner - Neighborhood Cocktail party at Kylene and Barry’s House

June 21, 2024 Breakfast - Gravad Lax with bagel Lunch -  Viet Pho Rice Noodle Bowls and Spring rolls,  Dinner - Neighborhood Cocktail party at Kylene and Barry’s House

I woke up at 7:20 and got dressed and toasted two slices of bagel and spread them with cream cheese and garnished them with red onion slices and Gravad lax. 

At 9:00 we drove to Nancy and John’s home on 14th to look at their Estate Sale. Suzette left and I walked home but forgot my key and phone, so was locked out.  I went to Charlie and Susan’s but we could not find our key there. Finally Suzette called Jody and he came and opened the door for me around 10:30. 

Willy brought vermicelli rice noodle bowls from Viet Pho restaurant on Menaul for lunch, his favorite, plus two spring rolls with peanut dipping sauce.  We watched France and Netherlands play to a 0 to 0 tie although I had a client for the last 1/2 hour.

At 3:00 I paid taxes and computed my income for 2023 for taxes.

Suzette came home at 4:00 and we started preparing our appetizer dish for the neighborhood cocktail party. I sliced Gravad lax and French baguette and arranged them on a latter and Suzette added a ramiken of butter and orange zest.

We also took cans of Carlsberg beer and a bottle of Aalborg Jubileums Aquavit.  When we arrived a showed every one how to eat some Gravad Lax on a thin slice of baguette, then drink a shot of aquavit, and then chase it with beer. I think everyone liked it.

Paul saw that I liked good Pilsner and ran home to fetch can of Cumbes  pilsner and we tried that with the aquavit and Gravad lax.

There were many other lovely dishes, orzo and feta Mediterranean salad, hummus and pita bread, fruit salad, and oatmeal cookies to name a few, but the best dish was a passion fruit filling white cake that had a lovely decorated hard white chocolate top.

                     The passion fruit cake is near the top right with pink icing

We left at 9:30 and returned home and went to bed.

Bon Appetit

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