Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020 Lunch – Stir Fried Egg vermicelli Noodles with Halibut.
Dinner – Baked Stuffed Peppers

I am siting with a cup of chai at 10:30blogging.  A great day in my legal career.  I got a client out of trouble who acknowledged that he violated the Judge’s injunctive order sought by the State of New Mexico.

I really don’t think there was much that I did except push the process to a rational conclusion.  What I think made the difference was when I asked the question that my client and I had discussed asking, “what would the impact be from stopping your pumping?”

My client went into a long litany of harms, which I did not anticipate, including the statement, ”I raise feed for the Sheriff’s Posse.”  I thought great,  “I doubt the judge is going to throw my client in jail for pumping water to raise feed for the Sheriff’s Posse, because he will immediately tell his Sheriff’s Posse friends and it will be immediately spread across the county that the Judge was responsible for preventing the Sheriff’s Posse from feeding their horses. Luckily I was correct, the Judge gave my client ten days to remove his river pump, which my client says he can do in 30 minutes.  He is also digging a well to use his ground water rights, so he should not be without water for his crops for any period of time.

I started the day with a bowl of granola, milk, yogurt, and tropical fruit salad.

When I completed my hearing at 11:00 Suzette had finished her morning calls and we discussed lunch.  I suggested stir fried egg noodles with some of the PPI grilled Halibut.  I also diced some onion, bok Choy, yellow bell pepper, garlic, and ginger.  Suzette made the seasoning sauce she uses for her eggplant and garlic sauce Chinese recipe combining Chinese Cooking wine, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cornstarch, sesame oil, and water.

Suzette rinsed the noodles in hot water to soften them while I stir fried the pepper, onion, garlic, ginger, and the white stalk portions of the bok Choy.

After these ingredients softened we added the green leaves of bok Choy, the last oz. of beech mushrooms and the noodles.  Then we added the sauce.  The noodles began to soak up the sauce so we added more soy and rice wine and water until the noodles were covered with a thick layer of sauce.  We plated out food and ate outside. It was a delicious and filling meal but I was still hungry so I toasted a piece of French baguette and spread butter and raspberry preserves and lay slices of Jarlsberg cheese on top for a Swedish student style sandwich with a cup of chai.

We took a 2/3 mile walk at 5:00 and decided to make stuffed bell peppers.  I made 1 ½ cups of rice with onion, parsley and chicken stock at 6:00 and Suzette sautéed ground beef, onions, sliced chives, and parsley and the added in some rice.  We decided to lay a lovage leaf in the bottom of each halved pepper.  The Suzette stuffed the four pepper halves with the meat and rice filling and baked the four peppers for about 45 minutes in the oven at medium heat until the peppers were cooked.

Suzette said this was a beer dinner.  I said I wanted to drink wine.  Suzette said, “Then let’s drink a Light Spanish red.”

I went to the cellar and found a 2013 Erguen Tempranillo rose that was perfectly light and yet expressed that Spanish Tempranillo grape solidity.

I loved I and Suzette acknowledged that it was good after the wine opened a bit.

Before dinner I diced a mango and a Granny Smith apple and Suzette combined those with the approximately 1 cup of blueberries and added sugar and baked a jiffy cobbler in the oven when she
removed the stuffed peppers.

We enjoyed our meal in the cool evening air on the patio next to the overwhelming ply fragrant wisteria.

We watched an interesting PBS program on Sacred Places around the world and then Suzette went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

I bought Qualcomm and Facebook share that I had sold for higher prices and was pleasantly surprised that the Market gained 669 points for a gain for my portfolio of 2%.

The market is coming back strongly.  The question is, Is it coming back too strongly.  The market is a leading indicator typically of where the  economy will be 7 to 10 months in the future, which seems about tight to me.

Bob Appetit

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