Monday, April 27, 2020

April 26, 2020 Lunch – Posole Dinner – Composed Salmon Salad

April 26, 2020 Lunch – Posole  Dinner – Composed Salmon Salad

I awakened at 6:30 and watched the news until 11:00.  We ate tropical fruit salad with yogurt at 9:00.  I added a handful of granola to my bowl.

Suzette started gardening at 9:00 and I joined her at 11:00 after Governor Cuomo’s press conference.

The comparison of Cuomo’s to Trump is compelling.  Cuomo’s is prepared with meaningful statistics in a power point presentation and comments based upon a wealth of personal experience including being Attorney General of NY and Secretary of HHS besides being Governor of NY.  Trump by comparison is ill informed, lacks meaningful statistical information and often advances proposals that are little more than quackery or worse, dangerous.  Trump’s worst to date was uttered at Thursday’s press conference when he suggested to his medical experts that they should investigate ingesting or injecting ultraviolet light, heat or disinfectants to treat the corona virus.  For the three days following that comment government and industrial leaders have gone public with the warning that no one should introduce anything into one’s body without the approval by their physician, especially a topical disinfectant such as Clorox or Lysol.

We planted six tomato plants and six or seven hillocks with cucumbers and straight neck squashing several of the raised beds.  Now almost all the garden areas are planted although we might add some kale to one bed.

We had been cooking Posole all morning and I had been tasting it so I was not hungry after planting but Suzette was.  I took the last six bottles of De Ponte 2016 Dundee Hills Pinot Noir to the basement, while Suzette showered and heated frozen enchiladas and ate a bowl of enchiladas and Posole.

After lunch we had our weekly Zoom meeting with our family, Rebecca and Mickie, Elaine and Billy, and Luke and Willy and then Suzette lay down for a nap.  I joined her for a nap a little later.  When she got up she started moving things out of Willy’s room so she can use it for her office.

Willy came by around 4:30 to pick up the three new packages that arrived on Saturday for his home office and took a bottle of wine with the packages.

I became hungry around 6:00.we decided to use the PPI piece of grilled teriyaki salmon make a salmon salad for dinner.  I chopped a head of a Romaine lettuce and Suzette picked a small quantity of micro greens and I began to compose two pasta bowls of salad.  I added a handful of cooked green beans, 1 tomato diced, 1 stalk of celery finely diced, 1/3 of a cucumber peeled, seeded, and sliced.  Suzette hard boiled six eggs and peeled and sliced 1 for each salad.  The most creative thing Suzette did was to peel and chop a fresh potato into small pieces and fry them in olive oil until golden brown and crisp.  This was a creative variation on the traditional addition of potato wedges to a salad Nicoise.  I added the juice of ½ lemon and some olive oil to the continuous Ceasar salad dressing and lightly dressed the salad.

Suzette poured glasses of one of the bottles she brought home from the Bistro, the brightly acidic 100% Carignan 2018 VillaViva Cotes du Thau Rose’.  We ate our salad hungrily and were satisfied by the wonderful combination of ingredients.

We finished the bottle and then each ate a Swedish dessert as we watched PBS Masterpiece episodes of “World on Fire” and “Baptiste”. I drank a cup of chai with my dessert.  This my favorite Swedish dessert. It is a roll of rum ball filling with wrapped inside a sheet of marzipan with the ends dipped in chocolate.

At 10:00 we went to bed. I awakened at 1:30 and blogged and finished the Fauci profile in the April 20 New Yorker.

Bon Appetit

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