Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020 Lunch – PPI Vietnamese Miso Noodles. Dinner – new recipe Pan cooked Spaghetti with Roasted Vegetables, Olives, capers, and Spaghetti Sauce

April 21, 2020 Lunch – PPI Vietnamese Miso Noodles. Dinner – new recipe Pan cooked Spaghetti with Roasted Vegetables, Olives, capers, and Spaghetti Sauce

I ate granola, fruit salad, and yogurt as I watched the Market open and quickly drop 600 points, apparently the collapse of the world oil market was not seen as a positive economic indicator.

I had a facilitation at 9:00 that lasted all day, which prevented my watching much news or investing.  I decided that we have not seen the worst of economic woes yet so I am holding back investing any further.

By the end of the day the market dropped 631or almost 3%, but my portfolio dropped a bit more than 1 ½%.  Not much conciliation.

The facilitation dragged on all day, which was very frustrating to me as the other side dragged concession after concession out of my client.

We got what we wanted but we would have been much better off had it ended at 10:30.  Instead it dragged on until 5:30, at double the cost to both parties.

At a break at 1:30 I heated the PPI Vietnamese Mis Noodle Soup that has almost congealed unto a thickened bowl of ramen as the noodles absorbed all the liquid in the bowl.  It was still delicious, but just a little heavy on the noodles.

Suzette came home around 4:00, but I was unable to discuss dinner until 5:30 when my client left.

We came to no decision, so I made a gin and tonic and watched the news with her.  Then at 6:30 she said,”Let me look at the refrigerator.”

Which meant we were into a pure PPI adventure.

Suzette created a wholly new dish, which was surprisingly similar to Pasta Puttenesa, by combining PPI spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, cracked green and black olives, roasted root vegetables, capers, anchovies, and diced fresh mozzarella.

I went to the basement and found a bottle of 2013 Tuella Portuguese red from the Duero (Trader Joe’s $6.99 in 2014).  The fruitiness and smoothness of the wine complemented the complexity of the pasta ingredients.  We finished both the pasta and the wIne.

For a change, I went to sleep on the couch as Suzette watched a Michael J. Fox movie until 10:00 when we went to bed. I to blog and Suzette to sleep.

Bon Appetit

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob, Love this blog. (I helped you guys at Gruet, which now feels like a million years ago, and am finally getting around to checking it out.) What's PPI?
