Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29, 2024 Dinner - Spaghetti with Mussels in Cajun Shrimp Sauce

July 29, 2024 Dinner - Spaghetti with Mussels in Cajun Shrimp Sauce

I ate a pain au chocolate and Latte macchiato for Breakfast with Don and Bev before they left around 8:30.

A little after 9:00 I walked to the bank.

Then around 10:00 when I returned I got a call from a client who needed a document.  I met with the client at 1:00 and worked until 2;30.

Then at 4:15 I ate a piece of chicken and then drove to the library to pick up our next Month’s book, The Mapmaker’s Wife, then another bank and finally, Lowe’s to pick up milk, tonic water, and a bell pepper.

When I returned home at 5:00 Suzette was at home. We watched some news and then fixed dinner. We boiled spaghetti and worked on the sauce.

Suzette removed the remaining pulp from the shrimp shells and added it with the Cajun BBQ shrimp sauce to the mussels in wine sauce from Friday night to which we added a few drops of Spanish Vermut.

The result was excellent, mussels in a tangy Cajun shrimp flavored sauce. It was hard to believe that this dinner was in any way related to the disastrous dinner of Saturday night.

I chilled a bottle of La Crema Pinot noir rose that was also delicious.

We were both tired and I lay down after dinner and Suzette watched TV until around 9:30 when we both were in bed.

I woke up for a few minutes at 10:25 to pen this blog and went back to sleep.

The market gave up what it had given on Friday, so my portfolio in back near its low for the month.

The cumulative effect of all the activity of the day was 4100 steps.

Bon Appetit

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