Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 21, 2022 Breakfast - Oatmeal Lunch - Beef Enchiladas with beans. Dinner Wild Game Dinner with the Chews and Blaugrunds

December 21, 2022 Breakfast - Oatmeal Lunch - Beef Enchiladas with beans. Dinner Wild Game Dinner with the Chews and Blaugrunds

I woke up again after 8:00 and got dressed and went to the kitchen and found that Luke had made me a bowl of oatmeal with walnuts and slices of apples.  Suzette poured some milk on the oatmeal and I warmed it in the microwave. It was delicious.

I then worked at my desk until noon when I heated the 1/2 of the beef enchiladas and beans that Suzette did not eat with a dab of sour cream and 1/2 of a Negra Modelo.

I watched the President and Zelensky news conference and then started helping Suzette cook the Wild game dinner.

I diced the rutabaga, turnip, 2 parsnips, 2 sweet potatoes, and three carrots for the roasted root vegetables.

Then I minced two shallots for the Cumberland Sauce for the venison meatballs that Suzette made with the deer sausage.  I fetched sage for the marinade of the wild pig and scored the pig while Suzette made the sage, thyme, parsley, and olive oil marinade. 

Suzette made a Cumberland Sauce with lingonberry jam and tawny port.

And I butchered two whole duck breasts into four pieces.  

She then cooked the venison meatballs and the root vegetables.

She then cooked the wild pig in the Greek style slowly at 200 degrees, garnished with potatoes, onions, and tomatoes.

Nancy and Cliff arrived at 6:30 with a loaf of seedsation bread from Whole food.  Suzette mixed Cliff and Nancy an Old Fashion with the rum/rye whiskey and vermouth.

Soon Wayne and Elaine arrived with avocados and romaine lettuce, grated Parmesan cheese and a lemon and olive oil dressing, plus a baked dish that was a throw back to the 50’s, a cherry on top of a peach half, on top of a pineapple ring. The avocados in the salad were almost as creamy as the fabulous ones we ate in Uruapan last Easter.

Suzette returned to the stove and sautéed the four duck breasts in the maraschino liquid and then added several maraschino cherries. And put them on a serving plate.  She then pulled the venison meatballs, baked root vegetables and roasted wild pig marinated in sage and parsley and olive oil with tomatoes, onions, and potato wedges.  

After he made and tossed the salad and Suzette put out the food we had cooked on the cutting board. Wayne stepped in to carve the pig and duck breasts for me and Cliff and I chose and opened and poured the 2013 Calstar Sangiacomo Pinot Noir.

Soon we all assembled at the dining room table and ate the lovely salad.

Then we served ourselves some of each of the items and assembled at the dining room table.

Every one seemed to think we were amazing cooks.  I thought the food was excellent except for the pig that had very little meat and was mostly fat, although the sage marinaded flavor was fabulous.

The Lingonberry and tawny port Cumberland Sauce was wonderful on the venison meatballs and a loved the Marischino cherry sauce on the duck.

I sliced and Nancy toasted them.  The seeded dark bread was a revelation and complemented the meats and sauces.

We ate and sipped and talked as we lingered over the varied dishes.  

Then Suzette sliced slices of the Italian Cloud cake and placed them on a puddle of pouring creme anglais and creme anglais over each slice. Everyone liked the airy light meringue and custard and we conversed until 10:00, when everyone left full and happy.

Bon Appetit

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