Friday, December 8, 2023

December 8, 2023 Breakfast - Sausage and eggs Lunch - Pita pocket Sandwiches Dinner - Arroz con Leche and Neighborhood Christmas Party at Doug and Crystal’s

December 8, 2023 Breakfast - Sausage and eggs  Lunch - Pita pocket Sandwiches  Dinner - Arroz con Leche and Neighborhood Christmas Party at Doug and Crystal’s

I awakened at 7:45 after being up from 4:30 to 6:00.

The market was up again today so I watched it a while and then dressed and made breakfast of an egg plus the three egg whites from last night’s Hollandaise sauce that used three egg yolks.

I fried up the eggs and sausage and Meade a cup of Earl Grey tea and toasted two slices of bread that I buttered and spread with orange marmalade.

Then at 1 I drove to Pres on Montgomery for a pre-op exam.  It took 2 hours to be examined and wait for a blood draw at Tri-Core Labs.

I then drove to Lowe’s and bought a gallon of milk, two large avocados, and five beef tamales.

Suzette was home when I arrived. 

I checked the market and my portfolio was up .8%, which resulted in a new high.

I cut a pita in half and toasted them and made two pita sandwiches with slices of lamb, tomato, and lettuce, and some feta and .labni.  I drank yogurt drink with the sandwiches and ate several pickle sticks

We watched the news until 5:00 when Suzette made Spanish rice pudding. The recipe she used did not work because we used Jasmine rice, which required more water than Bomba rice.  So we took one half of the large bucket of rice and added cream to it plus salt, sugar, and vanilla.  The rice was very thick so we added milk and half and half, cream, and sugar and cooked the rice until the rice was cooked.  We then let the rice rest and then added cream to make the texture creamy and sugar to sweeten the taste.

We put it into a Rompftorf fish and I grabbed a bottle of 2017 Calstar Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir and we grabbed a bottle of artisanal garlic vinegar. 

We walked to Crystal and Doug’s at 7:00. Many of our neighbors were there.

Many are retired and traveling.

I ate two bowls of a corn and Posole and pork Posole mixed with a splash of red chili plus a lovely slices of chocolate strudel and squares of spice cake.

We stayed until 9:30.

When we returned home Suzette went to bed and drank a beer and then a cup of tea and ate cookies,

I stayed up and blogged this entry.

Bon Appetit

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