Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024 a slightly less dismal day Lunch - Royal III, Casa Azul Dinner - Lunch leftovers on the balcony

August 28, 2024 a slightly less dismal day Lunch - Royal III, Casa Azul   Dinner - Lunch leftovers on the balcony

Today I did not throw up but I lacked energy and after a yogurt and 1/2 of a pain au chocolate we drove to Chufin cave and waited until 10:10 for the guide. There were six of us; a family of four from Madrid and us.  The guide drove us to the trail head to Chufin and told us it was a 20 minute walk to the cave.  After ten minutes I ran out of energy and we turned back even though I was sucking on a sugar pill. I just had not fully recovered from no food and being sick for 30 hours.

 I limped back to the car and rested until the others returned. I was sorry to not see Chufin but happy that I made it back to the car in a really depleted condition.

When the guide drove us back to the visitors’ parking lot we drove to a restaurant I had noticed was always crowded at Tanagos called Casa Azul or Royal III.  We went in and saw that it combined a pastry and bakery shop with huge eclairs and palmiers, a bar, and a restaurant.  We arrived at 12:45 and the waitress said the restaurant opened at 1:00 but she showed us to a table anyway and we ordered a bottle of water and Suzette ordered a beer.  The menu of the day was 15 Euro and had chicken soup as the first course so we ordered that. We were brought slices of bread that were delicious. We could not finish the first bowl of soup from the tureen served us that contained about ten bowls of soup.

We then ordered the second course. Suzette ordered sautéed pork loin medallions with air fried potatoes and sautéed red bell pepper. I ordered entrecôte with air fried potatoes and grilled bell peppers. We each ate a couple of bites and asked the waiter to pack the rest in a box to take home. The steak was a large flat thin steak like the Mexican Milanesa steak. The taste was not important. What was important was that we ate enough to gain energy but not enough to get sick again.

I then asked about dessert that was included with the menu. The waitress tried to explain but we did not get it, but I asked if they had flan and she said yes. Soon she brought a flan with whipped cream and a pastry filled tart and two yogurts. She must have figured out that we were ailing. We passed on the yogurt and took a couple bites of each dessert that were the high point of the meal and packed them into the to-go boxes. We considered lunch a success because we felt better after lunch and we had lots of food for snacks.

I bought a loaf of the excellent bread from the bakery as we left for 1.20 Euros.

We drove back to the room around 2:30 and napped until 5:30.

We were feeling a little better so we decided to go out for a drink and to watch the sunset.  We saw there was a Sunset Bar on the other side of the bay so we drove there and were lucky to find a parking spot within walking distance.

Suzette had a vermouth and I drank a Mahon Maestro double hops beer as we watched the beach activity and the bay.

                                                       The Sunset Bar


                                         The view from the Sunset Bar

The sun does not set until 8:45 so at 7:30 we drove back to the hotel, stopping at the supermercado in town to buy lettuce, mayonnaise, and yogurt. 

When we returned to the posada we made pork and steak sandwiches and watched the reflection of the sun on the mountains and bay as the sun began to set at 8:30.


                                                  The view at sunset from the Posada’s balcony

We then returned to the room to read and got ready for bed.

I checked Nvidia’s earnings after the NYSE close and the revenues increased 122% and beat estimates this quarter, but the stock dropped in after hours trading. It is hard to understand how earnings can exceed expectations and the stock go down. La tI da. I am guessing Nvda will rock along until the Blackwell chip is released later this year or early next year. Also, it was a down day in the market indices.

Bon Appetit

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