Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024 Breakfast - Bakery in San Vicente. Lunch -El Gran Hotel Puente Balneario Viesgo. Diner - Crackers and cheese at Posada Labrador

August 26, 2024 Breakfast - Bakery in San Vicente. Lunch -El Gran Hotel Puente Balneario Viesgo. Diner - Crackers and cheese at Posada Labrador

Today went from ordinary to very special at lunch when I discovered that the Gran Hotel were we were eating lunch sat at the base of Monte Castillo where two important Neolithic caves are located.

We got a late start at 10:00 and parked in what was probably a handicapped space by the central square and walked to a small bakery and bought two chocolate croissants and Suzette took a croissant and a cup of coffee to eat at one of the tables in the bakery.  I took a glass of water and ate one of my chocolate croissants. The croissants were much finer than the other bakery’s, more like French puff pastry. 

                      The bakery served its coffee in Cups designed by Judy Chicago

After our little breakfast we drove east to the Sequoia grove area near Comillas but the parking lot was full, so we drove on to the El Gran Hotel Puente Balneario Viesgo. We arrived at 11:00 for our 12:00 reservation, but that did not matter. We were welcomed and directed to the pool area downstairs were we were given a robe, hat, and towel and paid our 80 Euros for a access to the spa area that included a thermal water pool with lots of jet areas, an outdoor hot tub area, Finish sauna, steam room, and cold water showers are pose room with zero gravity lounge chairs with aroma therapy, and changing room with lockers.

We changed and spent two hours trying the different jet configurations for 1 1/2 hours and I slept and Suzette rested for thirty minutes in the repose room until 1:00 when we dressed and walked across the street to the garden where the hotel’s cafeteria was located for some lunch.

We sat on the patio at a table shaded by an umbrella with a view of the garden and two mountains that seemed to rise from the end of the hotel property.

Soon a waitress approached with a white linen table cloth, linen napkins, silverware, and menus. We realized this would be an elegant full service lunch.

We both ordered Hake (Merluza) fish dishes. Suzette ordered Hake cooked in the Roman style, which was sautéed tubes with Sautéed pimientos. I ordered Grilled Hake with mushrooms and asparagus. This was the first time we ordered a dish with fresh asparagus that were lightly steamed. Suzette drank a beer to settle her stomach and I drank a glass of rose from Penedres that was almost effervescent it was so bright in flavor.

We ordered bread and butter and were served two lovely dinner rolls that had a lightly crunchy crust and a wonderfully soft inside. 

The amazing thing about lunch was as I was eating I was looking at the conical shape of the two mountains that rose at the end of the property and it flashed in my mind that ne of them was Monte Castillo were the famous caves of Monte Castillo and Las Monedas were located. So I asked the waiter and he confirmed that the one on the right nearest the hotel was Monte Castillo. It then occurred to me that we were sitting next to one of the most famous cave complexes in Spain that was located just a couple of miles from an important hot spring. I then thought how interesting that the two might be linked historically. 

                                      A view of Monte Castillo and the hotel

This assumption was a high point of the trip and I had not planned it.  Suzette had planned the day of soaking at this spa. As we drove out of the tiny village of Puente Viesgo we passed the turn to Monte Castillo.

When we visited Monte Castillo twelve years ago, we drove from San Sebastián, over 100 miles away. The next time we visit Monte Castillo we may stay at this luxury hotel and spa at the base of the mountain.

We drove back to the sequoia forest near Comillas and walked to the sequoias that were three hundred to four hundred years old and quite impressive.  

Unfortunately the soaking had exhausted me and I waited at the side of the road after walking through the grove until Suzette fetched the car and picked me up and drove us back to the Posada.

At 5:00 we fell into bed and rested and napped until 8:00 when we ate some of Suzette’s cheese ball with Carr’s water biscuits and drank a bottle of Guerra Menchia red wine that was soothing because it lacked much acidity.  Suzette loved it.


We went to bed after dinner Again Suzette slept and I blogged until 11:00.

Bon Appetit

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