Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15, 2024 Lunch - PPI Chicken Enchiladas with onions and sour cream. DInner - Roast Duck with Peach Sauce, Sautéed Greens and Vichyssoise

August 15, 2024 Lunch  - PPI Chicken Enchiladas with onions and sour cream. Dinner - Roast Duck with Peach Sauce, Sautéed Greens and Vichyssoise 

I ate a pain au Chocolate with a latte macchiato at 7:00. Then at 8:00 I walked about .8 mile in the neighborhood.

I returned at 9:15 and got dressed for a 10:00 zoom hearing that started late and finished at 11:55.

For lunch I heated a square of enchiladas covered with minced onions and sour cream and baked in the microwave until the sour cream began to bubble.

I drafted a letter to the litigants this afternoon that I finished at 4:50.

Henry came by and showed me some great clips he collected from the Internet and I put out some cheese and corn chips and poured us each a glass of Côtes du Rhône for a snack.

Suzette came home at 6:00 and Henry left.

This morning we decided to cook duck for dinner, so at lunch I thawed 1/2 duck.

At 6:30 I chiffonade cut some of the greens from our garden and minced about 2 oz. of onion and Suzette sautéed those vegetables.

Suzette also made a Marsala flavored Peach sauce for the duck with processed peaches from our tree.

Suzette plated a puddle of peach sauce, then a pile of sautéed greens and I sliced the duck meat off the leg and thigh and piled half on each plate.

Suzette also filled soup bowls with Vichyssoise and garnished each bowl with thinly sliced chive ringlets.

We drank the last of the Kirkland Malbec with this lovely dinner.

This was the quickest great meal we can prepare.  The duck is ready to be roasted and takes about 20 minutes to heat and while it was roasting Suzette made the peach sauce and sautéed the vegetables.

Bon Appetit

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