Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024 Breakfast - Granola, milk, yogurt, and fresh peach Lunch - Vietnam 2000 Dinner - Sautéed Greens, Asparagus, Onion, and steak.

August 19, 2024 Breakfast - Granola, milk, yogurt, and fresh peach Lunch - Vietnam 2000 Dinner - Sautéed Greens, Asparagus, Onion, and steak.

I awakened around 6:30 and at 7:30 walked around the block.

Then I watched the the market open and was encouraged that the market was going up today for the eighth straight day, which has not occurred in over two years.  It seems that everyone has decided that our economy is on the path to a soft landing.

I then ate a bowl of granola with milk, yogurt, and slices of fresh peach.

Then held a zoom appointment with a nurse at Pres to obtain gout medicine.

I worked at my desk and around 9:30  I got a call from Scott Boyd congratulating me on my letter sent to litigants in the Lower Rio Grande Adjudication.

At 10:00 I went to the bank to cash in coins and after waiting 20 minutes was told by the teller, “We do not count coins.  We only accept rolls of coins.” She then gave me a handful of paper rolls.

After the bank, I drove to Walgreens and picked up my prescription for a med to deal with a bout of gout I am having.

I then picked up Willy and we drove to Vietnam 2000. He ordered number 30, a bowl of vermicelli with salad and mung beans and cucumber topped with fried egg rolls and grilled pork.

I ordered No. 87 which is the same topping but on a pile of sautéed cucumber and mung beans covered by a layer of boiled rice flour sheets cut into 1 1/2 inch strips.

Both were served with fish sauce to soften and flavor the noodles and toppings. The noodles had been overcooked and fell apart. When I paid the bill when the waiter asked how was the lunch, I showed him the noodles and he took the carry out box back to the kitchen and added a pile of vermicelli noodles to the box that I thought was a nice attempt to fix a problem.

Then I drove Willy home and then drove home for a 1:00 telephone call. I made a Vietnamese iced coffee and watched Leicester play Tottenham in their first match of this season.  Amazingly, Leicester tied Tottenham 1 to 1.

I talked to Rebecca and Billy and Luke and Willy to organize the final aspects of the trip to Spain.  

At 6:00 Willy arrived and I chopped chard and kale, onion, garlic, and steak that Willy then sautéed while Suzette cleaned out the fridge.

I opened a bottle of Trader Joe’s Grand Reserve Russian River Valley Pinot Noir that was a wonderful wine.

After dinner I made three Pate bagels and two Gravad lax bagels and ate the rest of the clafoutis.

Willy took out the trash and then left with a bag of groceries that would go bad otherwise.

We took showers and got in bed and watched the Democratic Convention, set the alarm for 3:30 a.m. and went to bed.

Bon Appetit

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