Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30, 2024 a trip into the Picos Breakfast - Royal III Lunch - La Soldreria in Potes Snack - Osteria, San Vicente

August 30, 2024 a trip into the Picos Breakfast - Royal III  Lunch - La Soldreria in Potes  Snack - Osteria, San Vicente

We left the Posada at 9:00 and drove N-634 to Royal III and bought a slice of tortilla with ham and cheese called a York con queso and two coffees with milk and a loaf of bread and a pain au chocolat that is a Neapolitana in Spain and ate a quick breakfast.  We took the bread and half of the neapolitana and drove to the next exit on A-8 and drove through Unquera onto N-621 into the Picos toward Potes.

About halfway we arrived at our first goal, the thermal baths at Hotel Hermida.  The hotel is situated between the Deva River and a nearly vertical wall of one of the Picos. We soaked from 10:30 until 12:30.  The indoor baths are walled on one side by the cliffs of the Picos and their best feature in our opinion was the carved out fifty foot deep natural circular pool at the base of the cliff that reminded us of a cenote in the Yucatán with vines handing down and a waterfall.

After we bathed we drank a beer and then drove on to Potes. The road beyond the hotel was an active construction zone where half of the road that was collapsing into the river was being replaced.  We were stopped four or five times to wait for oncoming traffic to clear the one open lane and then the traffic in our lane was sent through the one open lane to the next barricade where oncoming traffic was stopped.

Finally around 2:00 we arrived at Potes and were lucky to find a parking spot in one of the public parking areas. Potes is about 20 miles into the high Picos in a large valley through which the Deva River flows and has a fortress and lots of old buildings.

Suzette had selected Restaurante La Soldreria for lunch and we had agreed we would not over-eat or over-order before we arrived in Potes, but Soldreria was a 4.7 star rated restaurant so not to be taken lightly.

We walked up the hill from the parking lot about three blocks to Calle de Sol. When we arrived around 2:00 the seats were all taken but since the restaurant opened at 1:00 we were happy to wait for a table. We sat in the bar and Suzette drank a vermouth and I drank a glass of rose’ wine for fifteen minutes until we were shown to our table.

Soon a waiter who spoke English arrived and explained the three daily Specials: grilled artichokes, grilled lamb chops, and a beef rib cooked in an au jus sauce.

I decided on the artichokes and the lamb chops. The waiter suggested serving the artichokes first and then the lamb chops and we agreed.

When the artichokes arrived they had been trimmed to just two rows of inner leaves with the hairy part around the heart removed and ground ham placedin the heart and grilled under a brick to flatten and brown the heart. The artichokes were floating on a puddle of sauce that combined Romesco, olive oil, and lemon juice. The artichokes were the most tender and flavorful artichokes either of us had ever eaten, so the first course was a winner.

We had finished our initial drinks and asked the waiter to suggest a lighter red wine to drink with lamb chops. He responded, “Let let you try a wine I think you will like.”

He soon brought a bottle without showing us the label, but I saw a gold medal and Vinos Artesanos on the back label. It had an earthiness but lacked the heaviness of a Syrah.  He later told us it was a Mencia red from their valley. We liked it a lot, especially with the simply grilled lamb chops, twice baked potatoes, and salad plate.

We were full and held firm to our decision to not eat anything else.

We asked for ice cubes and added them to the wine to cool it and sat and enjoyed the last of our glass of wine until 3:30.

When the bill came, we were surprised how Inexpensive it was at 38 Euros and discovered the glasses of Mencia were free.

What a great dining experience.

Two factors may have explained the free wine. We were Americans and La Soldreria features American food and we were dressed in our best Mexican shirt and blouse, so we stood out as well dressed Americans.

After lunch we walked about three blocks along the river through the old part of Potes and then back to the car.

We drove back the way we came with a caravan of cars, motorcycles, and trucks through the construction zone to San Vicente by way of A-8, the access controlled high speed Autovia. When we returned I ate the rest of the Neapolitana to celebrate making it alive through the narrow road and construction zone.

We rested until 10:00 and then drove to Osteria, which was full in the restaurant and the bar.

We waited 10 minutes for a table in the bar and got help ordering Alarino “subre lies” that means it is fermented on the lies or skins for an added period of time that softens the tannins and acidity. The head waiter confirmed that Casal Martin was aged on the lies so we ordered a bottle of it for $20.00. Suzette checked its location and found that it was near Combarro, so we might go there when we stay in Comarro.

We then ordered our now favorite selection of oysters on the half-shell, two natural with lemon, two on the half-shell with frozen vermouth and chopped green olives, and two breaded with panko, fried, and garnished with seaweed salad and flying fish eggs with wasabi soy sauce.

We enjoyed the late night snack and returned to the posada at 11:30. Osteria stays open until 2:00 a.m. on Fridays, so it was only the first half of a shift for the night shift. 

This was a great day of food and a return to a positive level of activity and wonderful experiences.

Bon Appetit

Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 29, 2024 Lunch -Tapas La Rampla. Dinner - leftovers on the terrace

August 29, 2024 Lunch -Tapas La Rampla. Dinner - leftovers on the terrace

Today it rained in the morning and it was overcast and cloudy except for three hours during the middle of the day.  I asked the senora if this was usual weather for winter time of the year and she said there was rain but no snow although you can see snow on the Picos.

Suzette’s comment was, “I guess that is why they call it the green zone.”

In fact most of the morning we had to listen to a man cutting back shrubs hanging over walls into the street.

We ate yogurt and I ate leftover steak on bread with lettuce for breakfast.

Then we drove down the hill to town and were lucky to find a parking spot one block from Sotavento which is a five star Michelin rated restaurant. When we arrived the proprietress said there was no availability today, so we asked for a reservation for Sunday and were given one at 1:30.

We then decided to go to another well rated restaurant across from the city parking lot named Tapas de Rampla that was three or four blocks away. We decided to walk since the promenade is lined with palm trees that seemed pleasant.

We arrived at Rampla at about 1:15 and took a table with a view of the bay and Picos. By 1:35 the large restaurant had filled with customers. We ordered a mixed salad, grilled sardines and Zambuninas (bay scallops grilled on the half shell in butter, olive oil, and parsley).

                                                     Grilled Sardines 

                                                The Mixed Salad

This turned out to not be great food and much more than we could eat. We are noticing that we can eat fewer meals and snack a little more and have enough energy to keep going.

We ended up with more than half of the sardines and scallops in a to-go plastic container with the two extra slices of bread.

We walked to a farmacia but it was closed so we walked back to the car and drove back to the posada.

We rested and worked until 7:30 when we took our leftover food to terrace. I ate the last pork medallion in an open faced sandwich of bread spread with Mayo and garnished with a lettuce leaf and then the last of my steak from lunch yesterday while Suzette made a sandwich of the leftover sardines and scallops on olive oil drizzled bread.  We then devoured the leftover flan and pastry from yesterday’s lunch and washed it all down with Marques de Riscal Reserva Tempranillo and mineral water.

We watched the storm clouds enveloping the Picos and soon it began to rain and the temperature dropped to 69 F.

Later at 9:30 I joined the book club to discuss the Mapmaker’s Wife, by zoom, which was really fun.

At 11:00 we went to bed, I to read and blog and Suzette to sleep.

About 2000 steps today.

Bon Appetit

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28, 2024 a slightly less dismal day Lunch - Royal III, Casa Azul Dinner - Lunch leftovers on the balcony

August 28, 2024 a slightly less dismal day Lunch - Royal III, Casa Azul   Dinner - Lunch leftovers on the balcony

Today I did not throw up but I lacked energy and after a yogurt and 1/2 of a pain au chocolate we drove to Chufin cave and waited until 10:10 for the guide. There were six of us; a family of four from Madrid and us.  The guide drove us to the trail head to Chufin and told us it was a 20 minute walk to the cave.  After ten minutes I ran out of energy and we turned back even though I was sucking on a sugar pill. I just had not fully recovered from no food and being sick for 30 hours.

 I limped back to the car and rested until the others returned. I was sorry to not see Chufin but happy that I made it back to the car in a really depleted condition.

When the guide drove us back to the visitors’ parking lot we drove to a restaurant I had noticed was always crowded at Tanagos called Casa Azul or Royal III.  We went in and saw that it combined a pastry and bakery shop with huge eclairs and palmiers, a bar, and a restaurant.  We arrived at 12:45 and the waitress said the restaurant opened at 1:00 but she showed us to a table anyway and we ordered a bottle of water and Suzette ordered a beer.  The menu of the day was 15 Euro and had chicken soup as the first course so we ordered that. We were brought slices of bread that were delicious. We could not finish the first bowl of soup from the tureen served us that contained about ten bowls of soup.

We then ordered the second course. Suzette ordered sautéed pork loin medallions with air fried potatoes and sautéed red bell pepper. I ordered entrecôte with air fried potatoes and grilled bell peppers. We each ate a couple of bites and asked the waiter to pack the rest in a box to take home. The steak was a large flat thin steak like the Mexican Milanesa steak. The taste was not important. What was important was that we ate enough to gain energy but not enough to get sick again.

I then asked about dessert that was included with the menu. The waitress tried to explain but we did not get it, but I asked if they had flan and she said yes. Soon she brought a flan with whipped cream and a pastry filled tart and two yogurts. She must have figured out that we were ailing. We passed on the yogurt and took a couple bites of each dessert that were the high point of the meal and packed them into the to-go boxes. We considered lunch a success because we felt better after lunch and we had lots of food for snacks.

I bought a loaf of the excellent bread from the bakery as we left for 1.20 Euros.

We drove back to the room around 2:30 and napped until 5:30.

We were feeling a little better so we decided to go out for a drink and to watch the sunset.  We saw there was a Sunset Bar on the other side of the bay so we drove there and were lucky to find a parking spot within walking distance.

Suzette had a vermouth and I drank a Mahon Maestro double hops beer as we watched the beach activity and the bay.

                                                       The Sunset Bar


                                         The view from the Sunset Bar

The sun does not set until 8:45 so at 7:30 we drove back to the hotel, stopping at the supermercado in town to buy lettuce, mayonnaise, and yogurt. 

When we returned to the posada we made pork and steak sandwiches and watched the reflection of the sun on the mountains and bay as the sun began to set at 8:30.


                                                  The view at sunset from the Posada’s balcony

We then returned to the room to read and got ready for bed.

I checked Nvidia’s earnings after the NYSE close and the revenues increased 122% and beat estimates this quarter, but the stock dropped in after hours trading. It is hard to understand how earnings can exceed expectations and the stock go down. La tI da. I am guessing Nvda will rock along until the Blackwell chip is released later this year or early next year. Also, it was a down day in the market indices.

Bon Appetit

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27, 2024 A Dismal Day

 August 27, 2024 A Dismal Day 

The sepa shiitake mushrooms in yesterday’s lunch were poisonous and I threw up three times and booped as many or more to rid my body of them today.  We drove to the super Mercado and Suzette bought yogurt and carbonated mineral water, which was our only sustenance today.  By 4:00 I felt I had finally eliminated them from my body.  We stayed in bed and went to sleep around 8:30.

Htomorrow things will return to normal.

Bon Appetitr

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024 Breakfast - Bakery in San Vicente. Lunch -El Gran Hotel Puente Balneario Viesgo. Diner - Crackers and cheese at Posada Labrador

August 26, 2024 Breakfast - Bakery in San Vicente. Lunch -El Gran Hotel Puente Balneario Viesgo. Diner - Crackers and cheese at Posada Labrador

Today went from ordinary to very special at lunch when I discovered that the Gran Hotel were we were eating lunch sat at the base of Monte Castillo where two important Neolithic caves are located.

We got a late start at 10:00 and parked in what was probably a handicapped space by the central square and walked to a small bakery and bought two chocolate croissants and Suzette took a croissant and a cup of coffee to eat at one of the tables in the bakery.  I took a glass of water and ate one of my chocolate croissants. The croissants were much finer than the other bakery’s, more like French puff pastry. 

                      The bakery served its coffee in Cups designed by Judy Chicago

After our little breakfast we drove east to the Sequoia grove area near Comillas but the parking lot was full, so we drove on to the El Gran Hotel Puente Balneario Viesgo. We arrived at 11:00 for our 12:00 reservation, but that did not matter. We were welcomed and directed to the pool area downstairs were we were given a robe, hat, and towel and paid our 80 Euros for a access to the spa area that included a thermal water pool with lots of jet areas, an outdoor hot tub area, Finish sauna, steam room, and cold water showers are pose room with zero gravity lounge chairs with aroma therapy, and changing room with lockers.

We changed and spent two hours trying the different jet configurations for 1 1/2 hours and I slept and Suzette rested for thirty minutes in the repose room until 1:00 when we dressed and walked across the street to the garden where the hotel’s cafeteria was located for some lunch.

We sat on the patio at a table shaded by an umbrella with a view of the garden and two mountains that seemed to rise from the end of the hotel property.

Soon a waitress approached with a white linen table cloth, linen napkins, silverware, and menus. We realized this would be an elegant full service lunch.

We both ordered Hake (Merluza) fish dishes. Suzette ordered Hake cooked in the Roman style, which was sautéed tubes with Sautéed pimientos. I ordered Grilled Hake with mushrooms and asparagus. This was the first time we ordered a dish with fresh asparagus that were lightly steamed. Suzette drank a beer to settle her stomach and I drank a glass of rose from Penedres that was almost effervescent it was so bright in flavor.

We ordered bread and butter and were served two lovely dinner rolls that had a lightly crunchy crust and a wonderfully soft inside. 

The amazing thing about lunch was as I was eating I was looking at the conical shape of the two mountains that rose at the end of the property and it flashed in my mind that ne of them was Monte Castillo were the famous caves of Monte Castillo and Las Monedas were located. So I asked the waiter and he confirmed that the one on the right nearest the hotel was Monte Castillo. It then occurred to me that we were sitting next to one of the most famous cave complexes in Spain that was located just a couple of miles from an important hot spring. I then thought how interesting that the two might be linked historically. 

                                      A view of Monte Castillo and the hotel

This assumption was a high point of the trip and I had not planned it.  Suzette had planned the day of soaking at this spa. As we drove out of the tiny village of Puente Viesgo we passed the turn to Monte Castillo.

When we visited Monte Castillo twelve years ago, we drove from San Sebastián, over 100 miles away. The next time we visit Monte Castillo we may stay at this luxury hotel and spa at the base of the mountain.

We drove back to the sequoia forest near Comillas and walked to the sequoias that were three hundred to four hundred years old and quite impressive.  

Unfortunately the soaking had exhausted me and I waited at the side of the road after walking through the grove until Suzette fetched the car and picked me up and drove us back to the Posada.

At 5:00 we fell into bed and rested and napped until 8:00 when we ate some of Suzette’s cheese ball with Carr’s water biscuits and drank a bottle of Guerra Menchia red wine that was soothing because it lacked much acidity.  Suzette loved it.


We went to bed after dinner Again Suzette slept and I blogged until 11:00.

Bon Appetit