Tuesday, February 7, 2023

February 7, 2023 Lunch - Slice of ham with sweet sauce, red potato chunks, and Mustard Greens. Dinner - Enchilada casserole with refied beans, a baked potato and sauerkraut.

February 7, 2023 Lunch - Slice of ham with sweet sauce, red potato chunks, and Mustard Greens. Dinner - Enchilada casserole with refied beans, a baked potato and sauerkraut.

More progress today in stabilizing my blood pressure and glucose levels.  I will be discharged tomorrow and feeling stable.

In the morning I did upper body exercises and in the afternoon rode the recumbent bike ten minutes at average speed.

Breakfast was wonderful, as usual two slices of toast, two little smiles, a big scoop of eggs with melted cheddar cheese.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth on my own and returned to bed without assistance.

Ken Kendzierski came by around 11:30 and we discussed his case some and agreed to meet Thursday afternoon to discuss with Mary further.

I spent most of the rest of the day in bed.

I was surprised that they would serve ham. It was a baked ham and a thinly sliced soup ice but it was sauced with a sweetened thin au jus gravy that tasted fine.  It was served with a pile of diced boiled red potato and a wonderfully bitter pile of mustard greens. An above average meal.

The menu for dinner featured Enchiladas, so was keen to see those would be presented.  I ate the last four cheese biscuits around 4:30 and dinner was served at 5:30.  The Enchiladas turned out to be chopped tortillas baked with a red chili sauce into a casserole.  It was easy to pull bits of it apart to mix with the baked potato and refried beans it was served with, which was lucky because it was spicy, sipped needed to be mixed with potato and beans to moderate the heat in each bite.

The baked potato was served without butter (margarine) or sour cream, so I asked the server if there was any sour cream and she brought me a tube of sour cream and three small containers of margarine that turned a potato  wasteland into a gourmet treat.  I enjoyed all three dishes be mixing bites of each on a fork.

The anomaly on the plate was a pile of sauerkraut that I did not touch.

A small bowl of diced canned pears was dessert.

So, this turned into a great dinner that satisfied my growing hunger.

I watched the State of the Union speech, and loved it.  It was a well organized speech in which Biden gave examples from among the invited guests in his folksy manner to make his points.

I blogged and went to bed at 11:00.

Bon Appetit

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