Sunday, August 8, 2021

August 6, 2021 Lunch - Buffet King. Dinner - a cheese and a Gravad lax sandwich

 August 6, 2021 Lunch - Buffet King. Dinner - a cheese and a Gravad lax sandwich

I ate yogurt, milk, blueberries, and granola for breakfast.

Peter came at 11:40 and I drove to Buffet King, the Chinese buffet at Seagull and Academy for lunch.  I ate a bowl of soup with tofu and clams, two pieces of fried fish, four fried shrimp, four string beans, two pork ribs, and two mocha cakes.

Unfortunately, I must have eaten something that did not agree with my gut, because I had a bout of diarrhea when I arrived at home.

So I lay down for a few minutes until 3:00 when I drove to the bank and post office.

When I returned home I met with aaron to draft several documents.

Finally at 5:30 I lay down to rest and drink some water.

At 8:00 I decided to eat two sandwiches on toasted and buttered whole wheat bread slices; one with cod roe and Jarlsberg cheese and the other with Gravad lax and Lax sauce.  Suzette gave me a few sips of beer to wash down the sandwich and I drank a glass of water.

Later I ate three bites of carrot cake and watched Canada win the Gold medal in woman’s soccer.

The portfolio was down today but I am still up almost 20% so far this year.

Bon Appetit

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