Wednesday, August 12, 2020

August 11, 2020 Lunch – PPI Beef Noodle Soup Dinner – Grilled hamburger steaks with an ear of corn and sliced tomatoes, onion, and avocado.

 August 11, 2020 Lunch – PPI Beef Noodle Soup   Dinner – Grilled hamburger steaks with an ear of corn and sliced tomatoes, onion, and avocado.

Today I made sure to eat two slices of bagel spread with cream cheese and garnished with thin slices of red onion and gravad Lax. Then I walked a mile with Suzette around the neighborhood with the assistance of two sugar pills. I felt as good when I returned home as when I left home. So a huge improvement over yesterday’s near disastrous 1/3 mile walk without the benefit of breakfast or sugar pills.

I bought 250 shares of Square in the morning and by the early afternoon it was up $4.00.  But during the last ½ hour there was a major sell off in the market that took Square back down to only $.22 above what I paid for it.  My portfolio lost 1 ½% today so the run up in the big tech stocks is definitely over

At 11:30 I went out to our driveway and picked a handful of purslane and fetched the pot of PPI Beef Noodle Soup I made for yesterday’s lunch.  I heated the soup and added the purslane, another T. of red miso, and 1 green onion sliced thinly.  I added hoisin sauce to balance out the spiciness of the soup from the addition of Shishito peppers.

After lunch I checked my portfolio and then lay down and read and napped until 4:40 when Suzette called to ask what did we need from Smith’s.

I watched the announcement that Biden picked Kamala Harris as his Vice President.

I think he picked the best person and am encouraged that Kamala might run for President at the end of Joe &Biden’s term.

 I also froze the filet mignons and lamb chops and made hamburgers out of the ground beef. I froze all of the hamburgers except three.

Suzette brought home milk, 6 ears of corn, three big avocados, and a bunch of asparagus.

Willy called and Suzette and he made a plan to go out to see meteors because the earth is entering a meteor shower. 

Willy said he would arrive at 8:15, so we rested until 8:00 and then went into motion.

We have cooked together so long that we without talking much other than for Suzette said, “I will fill the pot for corn.”

Suzette shucked and boiled three ears of corn.  I took the remaining ears to the garage and brought in a container of Bibb lettuce.

Then I sliced two of the tomatoes Suzette grew at the Center, a slice of yellow onion, and lay them on several leaves of lettuce.  Suzette peeled ½ of one of the large avocados and I sliced the avocado and added the slices to the three plates to create a deconstructed hamburger.

Willy arrived at 8:15. 

Suzette is not eating bread, but Willy and I are, so when I asked if he wanted bread and when he said, “Yes.” I toasted and buttered three slices of French baguette.

I then fetched a bottle of 2018 Piazzano Chianti that Suzette brought home from the Bistro and poured three glasses.  Suzette added ice cubes to cool the red wine. 

When Suzette finished grilling the three hamburgers, she asked me to slice three slices of Dubliner cheddar cheese.  I did and put a slice under each burger and Suzette added an ear of boiled corn to each plate and the plates were complete.  I grabbed the mayo and spread mayo on each slice of tomato and Suzette grabbed the catsup and relish.

We added coNdiments and butter to the ear of corn and carried our plates and glasses of wine out to the table on the patio.

The wine was lovely; a delicious smooth wine that complemented the rare hamburger meat.  We enjoyed the fresh avocado, onion, lettuce, and tomato slices.After dinner at 9:00 we drove to a picnic ground east to the Sandias on South 337 and watched the stars and the meteor shower.  Willy took two camp chairs and his camp stove.  As Suzette and I looked at the sky, Willy made a pot of Egyptian Licorice tea.  It was a lovely touch to drink a hot pot of tea under the stars on a cool night in the deep woods.  Suzette brought the chocolate torte baked by the Bistro staff and Willy had a chunk of it with his pot of tea. 

We saw three or four meteors over the course of the more than an hour we sat in the parking lot of the picnic area.

We were home by 11:00 and said goodnight to Willy and went to bed.

Bon Appetit


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