Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 17, 2019 Lunch – PPI Bobby Flay Chicken with Couscous. Dinner – Posole and Cookies

October 17, 2019 Lunch – PPI Bobby Flay Chicken with Couscous. Dinner – Posole and Cookies

I had a very busy day today.  I ate granola, milk, yogurt, and tropical fruit salad with sliced bananas for breakfast.

I had to organize the sureties for a surety bond, create a form of surety bond, and prepare and file a report with the court to submit the surety bond.  That occupied about five or six hours hours.

Suzette showed up at 1:00 and I took a break to eat lunch with her.  I heated the last thigh of PPI Bobby Flay Chicken with some of the Couscous we made last night with tomatoes, shallot, garlic, and Chard and the last of the tiny steamed asparagus..

Suzette ate some of the PPI poached salmon from last night’s meal with Couscous. And we shared the last glass of Touché, Cotes de Gascogne white wine.

I was tired by 4:00 when I finished work and forgot to attend meditation at 5:00.  Instead I decided we needed some food therapy, so I made chocolate chip, walnut, raisin, and oatmeal cookies using the basic Toll House Recipe, except for one amazing variation.  I forgot to add the tsp. of baking soda.  The result was that the cookies held their soft mounded shape instead of collapsing when the baking soda gassed off.  Suzette thinks the cookies rose because the all purpose flour I used had leavening.  I think they held their shape because of the lack of baking soda, the presence of eggs that is a leavening agent, and because the dough was filled with ingredients that resisted collapse.

We decided to experiment further.  I definitely enjoyed the flavor of the cookies better due to the absence of the bicarbonate.

I also thawed a 32 oz. container of Posole, so we could enjoy an easy flavorful meal without any prep.

When Suzette came home at 5:00 we ate cookies and watched the news.

Among the more interesting things that occurred today were that White House Secretary Mulveny admitted that there was a quid pro qui for the withholding of aid to Ukraine.  Perhaps more importantly Pence went to Turkey and negotiated a 120 hour cease fire that will allow American troops to withdraw and give the Kurds the opportunity to withdraw from the contested border zone before the Turks “clean them out”.  Sounds like the US has agreed and endorsed a Turkish genocide of the Kurds.  This is not going to end well. The Turks were not even willing to characterize this new agreement as a cease fire.

At 7:00 we added about 1 cup of water to the Posole and brought it to a boil in an enameled casserole and ate bowls of it with flour tortillas we toasted over the stove gas burner.

Suzette went to bed at 9:00 and I followed her to bed at 10:00 and blogged and then read myself to sleep.

Bon Appetit

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