February 11, 2025 Lunch - Tula’s Dinner - Vegetable - Potage with melted cheese sandwiches
We woke up at 6:00 to dress and drive Suzette to Eye Associates for a minor corrective procedure.
I took a heated chocolate croissant and a cup of tea on the drive and ate it at 7:00 when Suzette went in. I read my book until she came out at 8:30.
Then we drove home and I worked until 10:00 and drove to my 10:30 that lasted until 11:30. Dana and Susie then drove me to Tula’s for lunch. We sat in the indoor/outdoor dining area.
First, a plate of six small dense green chili a cheddar biscuits was brought to the table with whipped butter.
We perused the menu and all came to the same choice, chicken salad salad with pecans and a champagne vinaigrette dressing.
I asked for and was given extra salad of gourmet blend of mixed greens.
We enjoyed our salads. Susie and I could not finished ours and took some home in a box.
Across the parking lot from the restaurant was the new Now We are Cooking store. Susie and I walked to it and I bought an OXO gravy strainer that separates the cooking juices from the grease, which I gave to Suzette as a Valentine’s gift. Susie also gave us a Valentine with chocolate candy inside that I took home.
I arrived home at 2:20 and checked the market. It was a mixed performance day, with Nvidia and several other tech stocks down but Apple was up almost $5.00, which turned the day into a slight profit.
The market keeps creeping back toward its all time high. My portfolio dropped 9.2% from the November high but has clawed back 5.5% toward its high and is 3.7% away from regaining the high.
I was tired and napped and read until 4:15. I started researching places to stay and when Suzette arrived at 5:00; she helped. I worked until 6:00 or 6:30 and then prepared dinner. I heated bowls of Vegetable Potage to which we stirred in heavy cream and minced two green onions for garnish.
I also toasted and buttered three slices of baguette and melted slices of Dutch goat milk Gouda cheese on the bread to make a lively flavorful cheese sandwich.
Suzette poured glasses of Claire Patelin Cotes de Gascogne Sauvignon Blanc that is one of my favorite wines for the money (Trader Joe’s $6.99).
After dinner when I sat down and turned the channel to PBS at 7:53 and realized I had missed Finding Your Roots. I watched House Hunters with Suzette for a while and at 8:45 went to bed to blog and read After I opened a chocolate orange for a dessert.
I only walked about 2300 steps today.
Bon Appetit
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