Sunday, April 3, 2022

April 3, 2022 Brunch - Scrambled Eggs with Tuna Steak. Dinner - Eduardo’s at Boca de Tomate, Jalisco

April 3, 2022 Brunch - Scrambled Eggs with Tuna Steak. Dinner - Eduardo’s at Boca de Tomate, Jalisco

I got up early and finished yesterday’s blog and at 8:00 we went to Don Bonito’s coffee shop and Suzette ordered coffee with steamed milk and I ordered hot chocolate and a piece of lemon pound cake.  The cake was dry and they could not heat it so I dipped pieces into the hot chocolate.

We then walked the beach for about 1/2 mile and then returned to the hotel.

Suzette scrambled eggs with the green onion slices I sliced last night and the leftover tuna steak from her Friday dinner at Tierra Viva.  It was really delicious due in large part to the abundance of fresh herbs on the tuna.

We then rested and at 1:00 we drove to Cruz de Hhuanacaxtle for the big market day.  Suzette bought lovely hand made cards that her mother likes receiving and Suzette likes sending.

I walked better today, perhaps due to the water yoga yesterday.

At around 2:00 we followed TR to Boca de Tomate which is a beach on the north side of the bay just on the south side off the river that forms the border between Nayarit and Jalisco.  It is lined with seafood restaurants.  TR and Linda’s is Eduardo’s because their friend Denny inspected the kitchens of each and found that Eduardo’s had the largest and cleanest kitchen.

The restaurant with the live Mariachi band was like Mexico of old.  It was wonderful to know that in some places it still exists.  I am also amazed that I have traveled to PV for over 25 years and never heard about this strip of beach seafood restaurants

Megan and TR ordered the fried coconut coated shrimp. Shrimp are always a safe bet in this part of the coast.  Most of them come in fresh from San Blas and Mazatlan.  The ones today were big and succulent.

I know because I ordered a Coctel de Mariscos that contained about 6 of them plus cooked octopus, sea snails, and scallops and the obligatory

Finely diced tomato, onion, and avocado.  The waiter was correct when he said there was no chili.  I added a few drops of the huichol red chili sauce to give it a slightly picante flavor.


 John’s BBQ’d Pulpo entero, whole octopus

                                                   My Mariscos Coctel

It was one of the large coctel glasses with lots of seafood that took me a long time to eat.  I was a little embarrassed because I was served first, probably because my coctel was prepped on the cold line and everyone else ordered hot cooked dishes.  Linda’s red snapper grill a la plancha came next and then the fried shrimp and Suzette’s octopus cooked in butter and John’s octopus cooked the awful local BBQ sauce called Sarandeado,

I finished first and was stuffed. Suzette ate about 1/2 of her octopus.  She put the leftover octopus into a styrofoam box. She says she wants to add it to the ravioli dish, which sounds good.

At about 4:30 we all finished eating and when we went to the parking lot it was full and there were people still arriving.

Suzette drove us home and we then rested from 6:30 to 8:30.  Suzette found our favorite new program and we then drank water and watched two more episodes of “The Last Kingdom” and went to bed.

I to blog and Suzette to sleep.

Bon Appetit

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