Tuesday, November 16, 2021

November 16, 2021 Lunch - 2000 Vietnam No. 30 with Aaron. Dinner - Grilled Swordfish and Tuna with Poke Sauce with Rice and Seaweed Salad

 November 16, 2021 Lunch - 2000 Vietnam No. 30 with Aaron. Dinner - Grilled Swordfish and Tuna with Poke Sauce with Rice and Seaweed Salad

I awakened at 7:15 and watched the market for a while as it gyrated down and up and down again.

I did some yoga and then showered and dressed and worked until 10:40 when I called Aaron and invited him to join me for lunch. We suggested Vietnamese food and after a short discussion Aaron said he would have a No. 30 with me. We decided to meet at noon.

I called 2000 Vietnam and placed the order and drove there and picked it up and returned home at noon.  I made two Vietnamese iced coffees with half a glass of Suzette’s leftover coffee from breakfast plus a heaping T. of condensed milk stirred into solution and then ice cubes to fill the glass.

I also went to the garden and picked a handful of fresh basil and fetched the cilantro and some lettuce from the fridge.

When Aaron arrived we carried everything out to the garden.  The weather was perfect, 70 degrees and sunny with no wind.  It is hard to believe this is November 16.

We enjoyed lunch and Aaron told me about his trip last week to New York to hopefully secure financing for Earn.

I have my fingers crossed that Earn will succeed for both Aaron and my sakes.

After lunch I made a cup of chai and ate two chocolate chips cookies and watched the market close.  I was surprised that the NASDAQ finished strongly up 120 points after being down for much of the day.   When I checked my portfolio it had increased by a respectable .6%.

I worked a bit more and called Willy to invite him to dinner.  Then at 3:30 walked .8 mile at a steady pace without any pain.

When I returned home I rested and watched the news until Suzette arrived at 5:15 just as the sky was darkening.

Dinner - We had decided to grill skewers with tuna and swordfish marinated in Poke sauce.  I made the poke sauce with a tsp. of sesame oil,  a tsp. of rice vinegar, 1/2 tsp. grated ginger, 1 tsp. minced garlic, and 1/2 cup of soy sauce while Suzette cubed the fish and then we added the sauce to the fish to marinate.

I then made 1 cup of rice flavored with 1/2 tsp. of instant dashi and a tsp. of dried pulse seaweed.

We decided to eat seaweed salad with dinner, so we poured out the rest of the seaweed salad into two bowls and I removed the small pieces of red pepper to convert the salad from Korean style to Japanese style seaweed salad and put them on the table.

When the rice had simmered the requisite 30 minutes Suzette turned off the rice and skewered the marinated fish cubes and grilled them on the propane grill outside.

Willy arrived at this time and we decided to drink beers with the meal, so I fetched three Stella Artois and opened them.

When Suzette brought in the cooked fish skewers, she the plated our plates with rice and grilled fish.  We added seaweed salad when she served us our plates and we shared a lovely meal.  

Suzette said that she liked the grilled marinated fish tonight better than the raw fish of our Sunday sushi dinner.  Willy agreed with her bipartisan I must say that I liked both the raw and the grilled and marinated fish enormously.

After dinner we watched three early Anthony Bourdain episodes of Cook’s Tour to Morocco, San Sebastián, Spain and his father’s ancestral home in Arachon, France where he and his brother spent summers when he was around nine years old.  It was quite charming.

Willy left and the cable became disconnected for the third time today, so we turned the TV off, so we sat in front of the fire and Suzette ate a cookie with a sip of cognac and I drank a cup of chai and blogged.

I then took out the trash and went to bed.

We will probably eat PPI grill lamb riblets with Potato soup and steamed green beans tomorrow evening.

Bon Appetit 

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