Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 9, 2017 Lunch - Taj Mahal. Dinner – PPI Boeuf Bourguignon, mashed potatoes, steamed spinach and Caprese salad

October 9, 2017  Lunch - Taj Mahal.  Dinner – PPI Boeuf Bourguignon, mashed potatoes, steamed spinach and Caprese salad

Since Suzette is out of town I have practically stopped cooking and started foraging in out fridge for PPI and ingredients that need to be eaten.

This morning I ate ½ of a bagel with cream Cheese that was a little iffy with a slice of sweet onion and several slices of my homemade Gravad Lax plus a few capers with a ½ cup of hot chocolate mixed with ½ cup of PPI coffee  and some milk heated in the microwave.  I have always enjoyed the mixture of hot chocolate and coffee, but I am usually too lazy to make it so I was happy to find that Suzette had left some coffee in the pot.

I met Mike for lunch at Taj Mahal.  We are both veterans.  I would think the axis of the earth had shifted if Mike did not get a Diet Pepsi and three drumsticks of tandoori chicken and he probably feels the same about my plate full of saag smothered with riata.  Today it seemed we ate a little less.

I invited a Willy to join me in eating the last PPI Boeuf Bourguignon, mashed potatoes, and steamed spinach.  I decided to make a chopped Caprese salad, also.  I chopped the 4 or five remaining slices of fresh mozzarella, two tomatoes, 2 oz. of sweet onion, and a small handful of fresh basil and dressed the caprese with fig balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

There was a freeze warning so I went to the garden and picked about two cups of basil leaves.  Then when Willy arrived I invited him to.pick basil, because he likes it so.

I toasted and buttered three slices of Le Quiche Bakery wholewheat bread and gave Willy two small slices.

Willy sad he really liked the dish, which made me feel good.

I drank a cognac after dinner with a piece of chocolate.

Bon Appetit


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