March 6, 2025 Breakfast - Vietnamese Noodle Soup Lunch - Teriyaki salmon Salad. Dinner - Cabbage Rolls with Salad, and Strawberry Shortcake
The most interesting event of the day occurred shortly after Suzette left for work. Jody came by to pick up some money for a repair and we talked for a few minutes. As he was leaving I asked him about his dog bite case. A neighbor’s dog mauled him to the point he needed corrective surgery.
As we were discussing why his lawyer dropped the case, Suzette called and said her Highlander blew a tire on the freeway as she was driving south to The Center.
Jody immediately said he would drive to her location and help her.
If I had not asked Jody about his case, Suzette may not have gotten that immediate expert mechanical assistance and I would have had to try to help which would have been far less helpful than Jody.
I spent another day working at my desk to file a response by tomorrow’s deadline and watching another depressingly deep dive by the Market.
For breakfast I ate a bowl of Vietnamese soup to which I added some cabbage and a bundle of Vietnamese Rice vermicelliI. I usually add new ingredients to the soup every time I heat it to add variety.
Then for lunch I made a salad with the leftover Teriyaki salmon plus spinach, tomato, cucumber and green bean pickles, onion, cubes of Irish Cheddar cheese, and a soft boiled egg. It was delicious.
I worked until 4:00 and then took a walk around the block to get a little exercise.
We had invited Aaron, Lexi, and Monica to join us for dinner because we had a large baking dish of cabbage rolls left from last night’s dinner and I knew Aaron loved cabbage rolls. We also had a lot of cranberry sauce we had eaten with the cabbage rolls that I knew he loved, so it was a perfect dinner for him and an easy dinner for us since everything was already prepared.
Suzette started heating the cabbage rolls covered with aluminum foil at 5:00 and I fetched a bottle of Herman Weimar Riesling from the basement.
And then made a gin and tonic and watched the news until they arrived at 6:00 with salad Ingredients, small vine ripe tomatoes, gourmet blend lettuce, Parmesan cheese, and a box with a beautiful strawberry shortcake from Whole Foods.
I pulled out the salad bowl and Suzette went to the garage and found the two cucumbers we bought at El Super. I sliced two tomatoes into wedges and cubed them, I peeled and seeded and sliced the cucumber, and sliced two stalks of celery and freshened the salad dressing with lemon Juice and olive oil and dressed the salad.
I put the cranberry sauce on the round table in the TV room where Suzette set five chairs and silver ware.
When they arrived I sliced some Gravad lax for Monica and a few slices of the new Robusto aged Gouda and opened a box of Carr cheese crackers for an appetizer and poured out the last of the Riechard German Riesling.
I really think Lexi is well mannered and helpful. She helped Suzette in the kitchen serve dinner and does not speak until spoken to and usually has something interesting to say. So in my opinion, the perfect child. She is in Fifth Grade this year and we all agreed that everyone at the table was smarter than the average bear. We then researched that phrase and discovered it was first uttered by Yogi Bear in the eponymous TV series.
Then Suzette and Lexi served the cabbage rolls I opened the Wiemer Riesling and poured it.
When all of the Riesling was drunk and we were finished with cabbage rolls, I opened the bottle of Banshee Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon and poured it and Monica cut slices of Parmesan cheese for a cheese course.
Then Aaron served wedges of strawberry Shortcake for dessert.
It was about 9:00 and we were getting tired when we said goodnight After a lovely four course meal.
Suzette had had a tough day with the tire blow out and cooking at the Bistro to help get the cooking up to snuff for there-opening of the Bistro next week, so we fell into bed.
Bon Appetit
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