Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April 12, 2021 Lunch - Taj Mahal with Mike. Dinner - PPI Fried Tofu and Mixed Vegetables and chicken and roasted duck

April 12, 2021 Lunch - Taj Mahal with Mike. Dinner - PPI Fried Tofu and Mixed Vegetables and chicken and roasted duck

Today was the first day I ate lunch in a restaurant.  I met Mike at Taj Mahal at 11:30. Everyone was there, Shamez and Executive Chef Mr. Singh and my favorite waiter.  I felt very safe and comfortable at the table for two Mike had found in the corner of the room away from the food and door.  We were served the food by the waiter and Shamez.

All my favorites were in abundance, tandoori chicken, tiki Masala in its orange cream sauce, green saag, and mung Dahl.  

After lunch we walked to Mike’s office and he fixed my Facebook problem.  We deleted the over twenty unwanted posts for a diet plan someone had posted and changed my settings to allow only me to post on my site.

When I returned home at 2:00 I checked the market and was surprised to find that I was down less than .01%.  I soon found out that in a day of almost all red there were two stocks that performed well.  In fact one stock performed spectacularly and saved my bacon today.  That stock was NVDA, which raises an interesting story.  I am constantly moving from perceived under performing stocks to hopefully better performing stocks.

I had put a stop on several stocks, including Google and NVDA.  Google hit the stop earlier this year and then took off, so I could not put that position back on but I was able to put my position back on NVDA.  I had 150 shares of NVDA in one account and 50 in another.  When I put my position back in the account with the 50 shares I made a typing error and bought 150 shares instead of 50. I decided to keep the 300 shares.

Today two things happened with NVDA that made it jump over $32; the President had a White House conference on how to increase U.S. chip manufacturing and NVDA announced that it was going to make a new chip for large network centers.  The $9,600 gain in NVDA helped reduce my loss on all my other stocks.

The other stock that helped was Square that went up about $4.00.

I actually felt good about my modest loss, because it could have been far worse.

I skipped breakfast today because I was going to eat Indian food with Mike.

After I checked the market I lay down for a 1 hour nap and then took a 1/2 mile walk at 5:00.  At 6:00 a photographer for a new film came to shoot location shots and after she left Suzette fixed dinner.

Dinner was literally thrown together by Suzette.  She combined and heated the PPI Roast Duck and Stir fried deep fried tofu and mixed Vegetables and rice from East Ocean with the meat from two legs of fried chicken Amy gave us from yesterday’s luncheon.

We ate our way through our piles of food and I kept finding interesting items like a duck thigh and a water chestnut in my pile.  We drank glasses of DePonte Melon du Bourgogne, a very pleasing wine.  This was a meal in which the wine was more memorable than the food.

We watched the Antiques Roadshow from Las Vegas and later ate bowls of vanilla ice cream. 

We went to bed at 9:00.

Adventures come in small ways during this pandemic such as venturing out to a favorite restaurant for the first time or having a happy surprise in the stock market or having a friend fix your computer problem.

There is joy in such adventures, if you are willing to recognize it.

Bon Appetit

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