Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018 Breakfast – Two eggs, two slices of bacon, and a piece of toast, Lunch – East Ocean. Dinner – Sautéed Aji Tuna Steak and Fried Tofu with Mixed Vegetables

April 17, 2018 Breakfast – Two eggs, two slices of bacon, and a piece of  toast,  Lunch – East Ocean. Dinner – Sautéed Aji Tuna Steak and Fried Tofu with Mixed Vegetables

For breakfast I made a standard American breakfast, two eggs, two slices of bacon, and a piece of  toast with peanut butter and honey.

I also thawed out a 1 lb. tuna steak.

I met with a new client in the morning and received a call from another who wanted to see me at 1:30.  I also handled a matter for VinDacia during the day.  So today I handled matters for as many clients as Michael Cohen has in his entire practice.

I stopped at East Ocean at 12:15 for lunch and ordered Fried Tofu and Mixed Vegetables, my new favorite dish priced at $7.95 and served with hot tea and steamed rice.  I ate two plates and packed the remaining half to go in styrofoam boxes and drove to my 1:30.

When I finished at 3:45 I drove home and rested until 5:45, when I went to meditate until 6:45.

When I returned home at 7:00 I fetched the Chinese food left from lunch.  Suzette sautéed the tuna steak in sesame and peanut oil and heated the rice and vegetables from lunch in the microwave.  We ate a pleasant meal.  I drank Chinese green tea.

After dinner I ate a piece of Etienne’s apple pie that I had warmed in the microwave.

Bon Appetit

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