Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 1, 2018 Brunch - Bagel with Lax and Lax and green onion eggs Dinner – Dungeness crab salad

April 1, 2018 Brunch - Bagel with Lax and Lax and green onion eggs
Dinner – Dungeness crab salad

Suzette’s stomach was upset this morning so she went to work after eating some yogurt.

I was feeling okay so I toasted an onion bagel and spread cream cheese on it and lay slices of onion and Lax and garnished it with capers.  I had just a bit of the old Lax left so I decided to fry two eggs and add the last of the Lax plus green onion slices to the eggs.  I drank green tea with the brunch.

When Suzette came home in the evening she was feeling better, so we decided to prepare a salad with greens from the garden and eat the crab with it.  I had chilled a bottle of Gruet Brut, which our drink of choice with crab.

I made a Louis salad dressing.  I chop a medium shallot and marinated it in lemon juice for several hours.  We picked lettuce from our garden and cleaned it and spun it.  I then sliced and diced a tomato and peeled and sliced 1/3 of a cucumber.  Suzette then put the marinated green beans we did not eat at the Shed on the salad and the last eight or ten PPI steamed asparagus on the salads. I put four pickled fiddlehead ferns on each salad.  I had cleaned the crab in the morning, so we took our salads and crab and glasses of champagne to the patio table and enjoyed the intoxicating smell of the blooming wisteria while we ate and drank our dinner.

I ate a piece of fullkorn’s bread spread with a bit of butter.  We only drank ½ of the bottle of Brut, which is probably a new record.

I ate a few grapes after dinner and we went to bed early after our busy weekend.

Bon Appetit

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