Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 28, 2024 Breakfast - Gravad lax on Bagel. Lunch - SashImi Dinner - Melted Cheese Sandwiches

September 28,  2024 Breakfast - Gravad lax on Bagel. Lunch - SashImi Dinner - Melted Cheese Sandwiches

A very fishy day. After watching a lively PL fixture between Man City and Newcastle at 7:45 I went to the fridge in the garage and and fetched a wedge of Jarlsberg, a block of Dubliner Cheddar, and a bag of six bagels.  

Then for breakfast I sliced 1/2 bagel into two thin slices and toasted the three slices, spread them with fresh cream cheese I bought Thursday at Smith’s, and garnished them with thin slices of red onion, the fresh Gravad Lax, and avocado.

Suzette ate her slice with coffee and I ate mine with hot tea.

I watched football and soccer and rode my therapeutic bike until 10:00 when I microwaved a bag of popcorn because I was beginning to feel weak.

Karim came at 10:30 and we drafted a document until 2:30.

Then at 3:00 I began preparing lunch. I turned the rice made last night into sushi rice by adding sugar, mirin, and Rice vinegar and heating in the microwave. I peeled and sliced 1/3 of a cucumber. I sliced the 5 oz. tuna steak and the tail and front gill flaps of salmon, and 1/2 avocado and lay them on a platter. I then put pickled daikon and Korean basil in a bowl and pickled ginger in another bowl and made a cup of green tea for me.  I filled rice bowls with the heated sushi rice and filled dipping bowls with soy and wasabi and we were ready to eat sashimi.


We ate and ate. Suzette stopped but I finished all the food and never felt weak during the rest of the day even though we did not prepare dinner.

During the afternoon we lifted our winter leaf screen that had fallen into the pond out of the screen revealing a lovely pink water lilly.

Around 8:00 I toasted two slices of baguette and lay slices of Jarlsberg cheese on them and melted the cheese in the microwave for 23 seconds and poured a glass of Carlsberg beer and ate a lovely dinner as we watched PBS Sister Boniface.

Suzette went to bed at 9:00 and I watched and slept through some of Death in Paradise and much of The Brookhaven Mysteries ( a new New Zealand Series on PBS) and went bed at 11:00.

Unless we add to the limited resources of food we will need to be a bit creative in our menus for the next few days. I am thinking about a tomato, onion, mushroom, and cheese omelet for brunch and roast duck for dinner tomorrow if Suzette agrees.

The two salmon meals today illustrate how I connect food shopping to our meals and the constant effort to fill our larder with homemade ingredients, such as Gravad Lax and pickled Korean basil and daikon.

Bon Appetit

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